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Einar Swan

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  • Einar Swan

    I've been informed that a film team from Finland led by Benny Törnroos, accompanied by Sven Bjerstedt, will arrive in New York next week to do some follow-up work in NY as well as in Fitchburg, Mass. The trip concerns the life of Einar Swan, son of emigrants from Finland. Einar was a musical genius who wrote the song "When Your Lover Has Gone." I have written about him on Finlander severall times. They hope to visit a jazz club, I guess with the intention of hearing Einar's song. The team was given the names of the following muscians to play the song: pianist Mika Pohjala, jazz vocalist Sanni Orasmaa and the perennial Pori Jazz performer, trumpet player Ted Curson. Sven Bjerstedt is a talented piano player from Sweden, and hopefully he'll be invited to play. I have one of his CDs.

    A visit to Ellis Island is also planned. Benny, known as the premiere
    allsång-leder in Finland, wants the editor of Norden newspaper, Erik Hermans, to talk about emigration. Erik said there is not much to talk about these days when winning an entry to USA by lottery seems to be the best way to get a green card. Einar Swan’s son Donald Swan and a Ricky Riccardi will guide the team when they are visiting Fitchburg.

    Sounds like an exciting trip and I look forward to learning more about the film and when it will be released. I worked with Sven Bjerstedt several years ago when he was tracking Einar's ancestry in Finland. A very interesting project.