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Interesting finds

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  • Interesting finds

    My computer was down for a week and I'm catching up on mail. One interesting project led to new finds and relatives. When I get a request for help, I check my database for names.. if I have them, I'm almost certain to be related to a new request. Margaret sent me the name of her friend Chris, asking if they could be related. I contacted Chris in Spain and received her family data... turned out that she and Margaret are related.. and both are related to me. Then acting on a hunch, I checked to see if they were related to Ted who had just returned from Finland where he looked up the old homestead of his relatives. And, yes, they were related to Ted, but didn't know of him. So Margaret and Chris plan to visit Ted in MI next summer when Chris will visit her parents in MI. And it turns out that Ted knew Chris' parents, but didn't realize they were related to him until he heard Chris' maiden name. Isn't genealogy fun!!