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Best way to find 1880-1900 Helsink info

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  • Best way to find 1880-1900 Helsink info

    Here's a question I hope one of you with Helsinki experience can help me with:

    My great-grandmother left Pedersöre as an orphan in 1880 at age 14 for Helsinki. She must have become a servant to earn her keep. I have her birth and death info, and the baptismal record for my grandfather.

    I haven't had any luck locating additional records for her through the LDS records because there doesn't seem to be much for Helsinki.

    I would like to know if there are sources of info other than the Central Register in Helsinki. I don't mind spending the money if there is no other alternative, but without exact dates it could get relatively expensive quickly.

    She lived in Helsinki her entire adult life evidently, never married, and had just the one son, my grandfather. I would REALLY like to find out if there is some record somewhere that might have the identity of his father.
