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'Most Recent Common Ancestor' ...

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  • 'Most Recent Common Ancestor' ...

    Link to the snipplet

    Source: Yale University
    Date: 2004-09-30

    'Most Recent Common Ancestor' Of All Living Humans Surprisingly Recent

    New Haven, Conn. -- In this week's issue of Nature, a Yale mathematician presents models showing that the most recent person who was a direct ancestor of all humans currently alive may have lived just a few thousand years ago.

    "While we may not all be 'brothers,' the models suggest we are all hundredth cousins or so," ...


    These more realistic models estimate that the most recent common ancestor of mankind lived as recently as about 3,000 years ago, and the identical ancestors point was as recent as several thousand years ago. The paper suggests, "No matter the languages we speak or the color of our skin, we share ancestors who planted rice on the banks of the Yangtze, who first domesticated horses on the steppes of the Ukraine, who hunted giant sloths in the forests of North and South America, and who labored to build the Great Pyramid of Khufu."

    The results can also work backwards, into the future. According to Chang, "Within two thousand years, it is likely that everyone on earth will be descended from most of us."

    The article on Nature's web site

    Other articles of the same subject from the authors:
    Article 1, article 2.

  • #2
    More reading of the subject can be found at Doug Rohde's Home Page.
    Douglas L. T. Rohde of MIT has written On the common ancestors of all living humans. The 30 page article is available in PDF format.
    Suitable for bedside reading!



    • #3
      common ancestors

      As SFHS office staff help newcomers research their family trees, -as visitors begin discussing the people within their circle of acquaintances, a frequent comment is "What do you know! Looks like everybody in Österbotten is related!!"

      Probably true
      Support SFHS - Building a bridge back to Finland!


      • #4
        Yes, Syrene

        I have come to the same conclusion. But it's no wonder. If we go back only 250 years the population of the whole of Finland was not very big. And people did not move about a lot, young people found their spouses in the same or the neighbouring parish.

        It was no suprise to me when June told me on this forum that I and she share a common ancestor in soldier Anders Palm from Alavo. I did'nt know it, but it was no big surprise.

        Was it so that you had some of your roots in Esse, or was it Don? then we probably are related, because the Portin family has been strong in Esse since the middle of the 18th century.

        I have earlier said that the Ostrobothnian temper and other qualities probably are determened by genetics as much as by environment and culture.



        • #5
          I probably told this story before, but I'll tell it again. The scene is our kitchen. I am standing by the counter over a recent issue of the Quarterly magazine explaining to my American daughter-in-law that strangely most Swede Finns are related. She looks at her husband with disdain and says: "Well, that explains a lot".

          Har har har.....



          • #6

            Don has the relations in Esse/Terjärv. One active family is Gunell, of which the younger son is researching for the Kejsare släkten.
            Support SFHS - Building a bridge back to Finland!

