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  • Epitaphs

    In a cemetery in Hartscombe, England: "On the 22nd of June, Jonathan Fiddle went out of tune."

    In a Thurmont, Maryland cemetery, "Here lies an atheist all dressed up and no place to go."

    On the grave of Ezekial Aikle in East Dalhouse cemetery, Nova Scotia: "Here lies Ezekial Aikle age 102. The good die young."

    In a Silver City, Nevada cemetery: "Here lays the kid. We planted him raw. He was quick on the trigger, but slow on the draw."

    In a cemetery in England: "Remember man as you walk by, as you are now, so once was I. As I am now, so shall you be. Remember this and follow me." To which someone replied in writing on the tombstone: "To follow you I'll not consent until I know which way you went."

    A lawyer's epitaph in England: "Sir John Strange. Here lies an honest lawyer and that is Strange."

    From Huron Shores Genealogical Society.


  • #2

    Thank´s for a good laugh!

    By the way, I stumbled on some newspaper notes about a trial in 1890. J. H. Nybergs poisonous christmas gift for C.J. Slotte.
    Are you familiar with the case?



    • #3


      I have many Slotte and Nyberg names in my database, but I don't remember hearing about the poisonous gift you mentioned. Can you tell something about it?



      • #4


        The reason I asked you is that the story took place in Nedervetil.
        It was häradshövding Carl Johan Slotte who received a parcel left by someone on the entrance stairs at Murick hemman, Nedervetil Kapell, at christmas, containing different sorts of cakes and cookies, and cocoa. (The parcel was actually addressed to Slottes wife Maria) As they thought it was left by relatives or friends so they put the cakes on the table for his family and christmas guests to eat. But some of the cookies obviously were bad, because those who had eaten them got very ill, they first became stiff and then started to shake and get dizzy and so on...Slotte had reason to suspect lanthandlanden Nyman to be trying to poison him, so he called him to trial, accusing him of attempt to commit murder. This trial was very much followed in the newspapers, 143witnesses where heard during the trial.
        It ended with a 5 year of "tukthus" for Nyberg, for trying to poison Slotte and also threaten other peoples lives.

        I have not read all of it yet, but it´s quite a horrible but interesting story. I will go through all the articles and hopefully I´ll find out what kind of evidence they had against Nyberg and if Nyberg insisted to be innocent all the way.



        • #5

          Gita, this is an interesting story. What time period did this occur?
          Kevin Paavola
          Orlando Florida


          • #6
            Hi Kevin,

            The trial began in February 1990 and ended in may the same year.
            I think I have found Nyberg in the Finlander collection, by the way.



            • #7
              By the way, the investigation showed that some of the cookies and the cocoa contained strychnine.



              • #8

                I haven't found a Carl Johan Slotte in my data who was still living in 1990. I'm curious who he can be - and I have too many Nyberg names to know if any one of them was involved. If you have some birthdates that would help.



                • #9

                  I believe it is this Slotte, born in Nedervetil 20 Jan 1827 died there 5 Nov 1903:

                  Slotte, Carl Johan (f. 20/1 1827 Nedervetil, d. där 5/11 1903), bonde och lantdagsman, far till Alexander S. Han var en central gestalt i hemsocknen (se Nedervetil), bl.a. som ordförande i kommunalstämman från 1875. S. invaldes 1863 i lantdagen och satt där fram till 1900 års lantdag, representerande olika domsagor i Österbotten och Nyland. Vid lantdagen 1877—78 utsågs han till bondeståndets talman och kvarstod på denna post under ytterligare fyra lantdagar; vid öppnandet av 1891 års lantdag, som blev hans sista, höll han ett modigt tal om folkets oro inför förryskningsåtgärderna.

                  Uppslagsverket Finland (1985)."

                  and he was father of

                  Slotte, Mathias Alexander (f. 7/4 1861 Nedervetil, d. 3/4 1927 Hfrs), författare och skolman, folkskollärare från 1888. S. framträdde som scenisk författare med fyra större dramer och ett antal mindre folkstycken, men blev främst känd för sina bygdeberättelser från Österbotten, Karlebybor och andra (1912) och Solskensfolk och andra berättelser (1923). Diktsamlingen Sånger och syner (1918) innehöll flera texter till gamla folkmelodier, bl.a. de senare allmänt sjungna Slumrande toner och Plocka vill jag skogsviol. S. var 1890—1907 litteratur- och teaterkritiker vid Hufvudstadsbladet och innehade därefter befattningen som sekreterare i Finlands allmänna slöjdförening. Han engagerade sig i början av seklet för uppgiften att skapa en finlandssvensk teater och var bl.a. en av de drivande krafterna bakom Folkteatern. S. var uppskattad som dramatiker, men eftervärlden känner honom främst som visdiktare. (J.J. Huldén, Österbottningar, 1934; L. Sandbacka, A.S., 1981)

                  Uppslagsverket Finland (1985)."

                  (From the webpage -

                  Gita Wiklund
                  Last edited by Gita Wiklund; 03-02-04, 22:26.


                  • #10
                    I also believe that Johan Henrik Nyberg is the one you find in Börje Vestös collection born 1848 sep 22. He in the same trade and at the same place, and in the right age.



                    • #11

                      I found him in my database. He was known as Slotts-gubbe. His son Matthias Alexander was considered to be in the front rank of native Swedish-speaking poets. Was a theater and literary critic for Hufvudstadsbladet newspaper. I just calculated that Carl Johan was my 3rd cousin twice removed, plus many other links.

                      I also have Johan Henrik Johansson Strang-Nyberg, 1842-1922. And I calculated that he was also my 3rd cousin twice removed!

                      Here is a picture of Carl Johan Slotte.

                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Hi June,

                        Thanks for posting the picture of Slotte! How interesting that you are related to him. You also wrote that you are related to:

                        "Johan Henrik Johansson Strang-Nyberg, 1842-1922"

                        but the Johan Henrik Nyberg that tried to poison Slotte was 21 years younger that Slotte, so he must have been born in 1848.

                        I will investigate this further.



                        • #13
                          Johan Henrik Nyberg

                          In HisKi: Nedervetil

                          b. 22.9.1848 Pelo Child: Joh. Henric

                          Father: Bd. Joh. Johansson Mother: Maja Lisa Henrics:dr 20

                          I think he is the Nyberg in this case.



                          • #14
                            The Finnish Historical Newspaper Library

                            This case made me search the digitized newspapers at .
                            Search word Nybergska (from "Slotte-Nybergska målet") gave good results from several newspapers. Other search criteria may give too many irrelevant results.
                            Limiting the date to >1.1.1890 speeds up the search routine.
                            Nice reading!


                            • #15

                              It´s certainly interesting reading! It´s a petty that one has to master the swedish or finnish languages to read about it though.


