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Church record headings?

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  • Church record headings?

    I am asking if anyone has the english translation for the column headings on the church records?
    I've tried translation the words (and gotten a lot of laughs from the results!!)
    but would like to use the correct information...

  • #2
    Hi Rhonda,
    This is the information I got from my "sister" Merja in Finland regarding the church books:

    The x´s next to the names are for:
    Rokotettu - Vaccinerad - vaccinated for smallpox
    Äidinkieli - modersmal - language
    Lukutaito - läsning - ability to read
    Sisäluku - innenläsning - reading from text
    Raamatun historia- Bibl. historie - Knowledge of Bible
    Luth.Kat - Luth. Cath - Lutheran Cathecism ( this is a small book of
    explanations of Bible texts by Martin Luther )
    Selitys - Förklaring - Explanations, ability to explain what the texts
    Käsitys - Begrepp - Understanding
    Kirjoitustaito - Skriftkunnighet - Ability to write
    Ollut luku???? this is the year
    the persons reading etc ability was last tested
    It is an old proverb of sorts in Finland that you needed to be
    confirmed and vaccinated before you could get married...this is where
    they checked that up!

    You can see the crosses are not actually all crosses. There are
    several different markings:
    / is for passing the test
    V is better
    Y is even better
    X is good

    These crosses are not the same for every pastor but you get the
    meaning. On the right side of the page you see the years with dates
    when the person has taken communion. This is an excellent way to see
    when people were actually living in a farm and when their name just
    was recorded there. If there are no dates, the person might have f.ex.

    Best Regards,

