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Help with translation please:

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  • Help with translation please:

    I am also researching the Swedish side and I got this email:


    Ursäkta att jag direkt tar kontakt med dig.

    Såg i Anbytarforum att du sökte anor till Gustav Sigfrid Andersson Backman Född 1877-11-05.

    Sänder över en antavla på hans förfäder i fall dina släktingar i Canada hat någon glädje av detta.

    Does anyone know what it says? Or is there a place online that I can get it translated. They also sent me a 75 page doc, all in Swedish.

    I think I understand some:

    Fodd - date of birth
    Gift - Marriage
    Dod - date of death

    Barn: childern??

    Help please.


  • #2

    Hi Susan!

    This is my translation:

    " Hi. I apologize taking contact with you directly. I saw in Anbytarforum that you looked for ancestors to Gustav Sigfrid Andersson Backman born 1888-11-05. Sending you a pedigree on his ancestors in case your relatives in Canada will have any use of it."

    Född - Born
    Gift - Married
    Död - Dead
    Barn: Child or Children

    Don´t hesitate to ask if there´s anything else in the document you wonder about.



    • #3
      thank you.

      I am not doing too bad at figuring out the dates - I figured out that Dopt: means batized and the FLyttade means something like moving to.

      One thing I haven't figure out is when it says Fodd Tvilling before the birthdate.

      And there is one that is going to be interesting to figure out because everyone is mostly a few lines but this one person is a page and half. I think he might have been kidnapped or something at one point.


      PS: Do you know if there are codes on an English keyboard to type out the proper marks on Swedish words?


      • #4
        Scandinavian characters åäöÅÄÖ

        See the previous thread here

        Btw. "Tvilling" is "twin", ie. born twin


        • #5
          And there is one that is going to be interesting to figure out because everyone is mostly a few lines but this one person is a page and half. I think he might have been kidnapped or something at one point.
          I can try to help you translate that too if you like. I may not be able to translate it in very good english, but you will at least get an understanding of what it´s about.
          If you want to, you can send me that specific part of the document to:

          myfirstname.mylastname* (get it?)



          • #6
            thank you both for your help.

            I have sent the part of the document on to you. It will come from Susan.Rxxxxxxxx*

            I am probably wrong, but what got me thinking he was kidnapped or something was a line in there that said "De avstod på grund av rädsla att bli kidnappade och tvingade att bli soldater av västerbottensbönderna."

            To me, it looks like they are saying something about kidnapped - probably wrong.



            • #7
              Originally posted by SusanR

              I am probably wrong, but what got me thinking he was kidnapped or something was a line in there that said "De avstod på grund av rädsla att bli kidnappade och tvingade att bli soldater av västerbottensbönderna."
              "They (give up/renounce/refrain from)* on account of the fear of beeing kidnapped by the Westbottnian farmers, and forced to be soldiers."

              It stands in the meaning that they chose not to do something course of the fear.
              Best Regards
              Pia Hägg


              • #8
                dictionary online


                THis is the online dictionary I use when I am stuck. It is not the best in the world, but it serves purpose to me when I need it. I have it bookmarked. And somewhere in my files I have links to some old time geneology terms.........I just have to find them!



                • #9
                  thank you - I have bookmarked it.

                  And I was emailing again with my cousin in Sweden and he said, yes, he had heard rumours of kidnappings.

                  Apparently, as phgg said it has something to do with the farmers. He said:

                  "It´s right that what you read about the kidnapping.I´ve read about at least one more kidnapping in the family in those days.That time the father managed to release his kidnapped son.

                  As I understand it the farmers in Västerbotten were jealous of the new settlers (nybyggare)who did not have to do military service,as they had to put in all their time to build their homesteads and therefore they took it in their own hands to force them to the military.

                  I will check this up further as I don´t know so much about this.
                  In this case you just read about it also says that Mårten Mårtensson didn´t dare to go to church because he was afraid of being kidnapped of these farmers. "

                  I love hearing these stories - wish I could get someone in my direct family interested.



                  • #10

                    I think that kidnapping isn´t the right word for this "happenings" As I think about kidnapping you take som one and want something ex. money to release them.

                    In this case they force people to be soldiers. There´s a word for it when they did so for getting people to work at ships (longe time ago) but I don´t know the word, sorry.
                    Best Regards
                    Pia Hägg


                    • #11
                      In Great Britain they use to have " Press Gangs" that would roam around the bars and tenaments and physically take an individual, against their will, to serve on a ship. In other words " Press them into service" to the King/Queen.
                      Carl V. Lillvik


                      • #12


                        I think the word you're thinking of is impressment or conscription: Impressment is the act of forcibly conscripting people to serve as sailors.

                        You can read about it here:



                        • #13
                          Swedish words

                          I found that link to terms used in geneology from swedish to english.


                          scroll down on the page and you will see it.


