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Nykarleby visitors

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  • Nykarleby visitors

    This message was on Finngen - I thought perhaps someone on Finlander would be able to reply to the mail:

    Reply to: bojan ingle <>

    Three American women born in Helsinki will be visiting Österbotten for the first time 17-21 July, 2004. We would like to meet someone who can
    tell us more about the Nykarleby area. We are most interested in getting acquainted with the landscape and how our farming ancestors lived. We would also be happy to have suggestions about how to spend a few days touring by car, modest accomodations, museums, etc.

    In Emil Åman's book, Nybyggarna pa Åvist, we are decendants of Släkten Sexmans. Maria Eriksdotter Nygård (Tab. 147, b. 1874 at Långholm in Markby, near Nykarleby) is our mormor. Her morfars farmor, Beata Hansdotter Kurf (b. 1746) was a pioneer at Åvist.

    Our morfar is Karl Gustav Jakobsson Lundqvist (b. 1868 at Finne in Markby). Karl Gustav is known as the inventor of the Hankmoharv. The old farmhouse was still standing in Markby several years ago. He moved his family to Esbo in 1926.

    My father Kurt Erik Sundberg was born in Vasa (1906) but grew up in Hangö. Pär-Erik Levin's book, Levälä-Släkten, traces his farmors farfar, Daniel Eriksson Levälä (b. 1770) to Levälä near Ytterjeppo. My guess is that we are related to many families in the Nykarleby area.

    I am using Reunion version 8 software for Macintosh, and have mostly completed entering Emil Åman's Sexmans line. I'm sharing this genealogical chart with family, and am happy to share with others. I have yet to do any research myself.

    I read and understand Swedish fairly well.

    Bojan Ingle


  • #2
    Thank You Very Much June

    Dear June

    I know you said in your message that we should reply direct to the ladies, and I have done that, but I just wanted to say an enormous thank you to you for putting the message on Finlander. I unsubscribed from Finngen when I was having computer problems a while back and although I have been going into the archives occasionally, I had missed that one. At long last it looks like I might have found a real live Sundberg connection. Although I cannot help them much about Nykarleby (I was only there for a couple of days about 30 years ago) I have emailed them with all my Sundberg details to see if there is a tie up. Many thanks once again. Really must re-subscribe to Finngen again I think.


    • #3
      Good morning everybody!

      Hopefully someone living in Nykarleby or in the area soon takes contact.

      I'm born in Nykarleby, but not living there anymore...


      • #4
        Nykarleby Visitors Thank You

        Thanks to everyone who responded with an introduction to SFHS and Finlander Forum. I'm overwhelmed by the information and the possibilities. No direct contacts from Österbotten yet, but leads to follow up.

        Gwenda, I don't know my Sundberg family very well yet. My farfar was Isak Emil Sundberg (1870-1929). He grew up in Nykarleby and went to the seminary there. He taught school briefly, perhaps on Åland, but decided to move to Vasa to work for the railraod as a conductor. In Vasa he married Sofia Evelina Arkkukari (1874-1922), and they moved to Hangö.

        Farfar's far was Isak Jacobsson Sundberg (1841-1922), a blacksmith, from a prominent family in Nykarleby according to my father. They had many relatives between Nykarleby and Jeppo.

        I'm a novice, so please don't hesitate to make suggestions. I have subscribed to finngen and suku (but so far haven't seen much in Swedish there). I've looked at Det Finlandssvenska Rummet, and Delphi. I was happy to find June Pelo's link to the Swedish article on Kovjoki.
        Bojan Ingle


        • #5
          Nykarleby - Sundberg

          I just checked the Talko database for Sundberg and there are a lot of names listed. Börje Westö has Isak Jacobsson Sundberg, b. 1841, married 1863 to Johanna Danielsdotter Björklund, b. 1840, Ytterjeppo. Roy Lager has a lot of data about Isak Jakobsson Sundberg, b. 1839 in Munsala, d. in Nykarleby, married 1863 to Johanna Danielsdotter Frill, b. 1840, Nykarleby. I think Frill and Björklund are the same people - both had a daughter named Hilma, b. 1867, who is Roy Lager's ancestor. I'm sure Roy has more data. He shows that Isak Jakobsson Sundberg was the son of Jakob Karlsson Sundberg, b. 1800, Lojlax, Munsala married to Margareta Isaksdotter Damskata, b. 1801, Munsala. I also noticed that Arne Nylund has data about Isak Jakobsson Sundberg, b. 1839. Roy doesn't check Finlander often, so he may have missed this discussion. I'll send him a reminder.



          • #6

            I have information on the Sundbergs. Jakob Karlsson Sundberg, born 1800, Loilax (Lojlax), Munsala; died June 5, 1859, Loilax, Munsala; was married, April 19, 1824, Munsala, to my first cousin 4 times removed, Margareta Isaksdaughter Damskata, born December 29, 1801, Damskata, Munsala; died 1844, Damskata, Munsala. I am from the Damskata-Laggar line.

            I am not sure just how to make contact with whoever is enquiring.

            Roy Lager

