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Just Wondering - Agricultural Shows

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  • Just Wondering - Agricultural Shows

    As the subject heading suggests, I am wondering whether Finland has anything similar to what England experiences at this time of year i.e. Agricultural shows. Farmers, and farming related organisations/firms congregate on showgrounds (and in particular I am referring to Norfolk, but there are several others around this time). The shows consist of judgings for farming animals and other related activities, i.e. floral, etc. The shows also involve many other organisations, almost always connected in some way to farming. This year`s Norfolk`s two day show has just finished, and I must admit I was not one of the people to attend this year (my husband`s fault, not mine!!). In particular this year there were many interactive activities for children, involving all sorts of technology, chances for being DJs etc., not forgetting the usual rivalry to see who could go home laden with the most badges, stickers or other "freebies" offered. In fact this year, it was apparently somewhat of a feat for the children just managing to carry their treasures around for the day. In addition, many other activities take place at the "Shows", in particular aircraft/parachute displays, music, Guiding/Scouting etc. I would be really interested to hear of anything similar that is held in Finland or anywhere else connected to Finlander.

  • #2

    Hi Gwenda!
    I haven't personally been at any such fairs in Finland, however, my father's father was very active in the Agricultural Association in Malax, which participated in local livestock judging, the winners of which went on to District fairs. Winners received a small inscribed silver "cup". No handles, but the shape of an elegant drinking glass with simple base. Don has a cousin in his 90's who treasures the records for fine horses his farm family once showed.

    And I have heard there were regular judgings of the forestry practices of farmers as well, from one of my distant cousins. Each farm owned a tract of forest land, and every farmer would walk through his trees, checking for health, the state of the drainage ditches and even neatness perhaps every other month.. I've heard there used to be a sort of picnic-work day when every family went out into the woods, picking up fallen limbs and so forth. Those woods are like small Edens.

    Thanks to new taxation laws about to go into effect, the forests are being clearcut by farm owners, of which there are ever fewer. Many thousands of acres are now controlled either by the state or by large pulp or timber corporations. And they set strict parameters for the length and size of harvested timber they are willing to purchase. I wonder if that will encourage fewer farmers to cut their own, and simply hire a pro with the hi-tech equipment now used. It's a truck, loading crane, and saw in one, which means the driver can face a tree, clamp around it, saw through in one swipe, lift the log above the cab of the truck, and set the log in place on the trailer. You can imagine the look of the forest floor after such an operation. Nearly as bad as the Weyerhauser forest land here on the Pacific Coast. Like a holocaust.

    Excuse me for the fireworks, but I guess it's Fourth of July.
    Support SFHS - Building a bridge back to Finland!


    • #3
      Agricultural shows in Finland

      Yes. there are agricultural shows in Finland as well, usually in summer. One of them even has an English web-page, see
      Merja Syrjämäki
      Tampere/Tammerfors, Finland


      • #4
        To Syrene and Merja

        Many thanks for your replies. But Syrene, am I thick or what, but I did not understand the bit about the fireworks. Yes, I do know that yesterday was Independence Day and fireworks go along with that, but I am afraid I didn`t understand your reference to them in connection with the fairs. Sorry, I know I am thick sometimes. Enjoyed all the info you sent though.

        A bit more about the Agriculture Shows. They are held in many counties in England during the summer months. I can remember them well from my childhood in Australia as well - I even marched at the Adelaide one when I was a "marching girl" (ooh, that goes back a loooong way) which was similar to the majorettes, only without batons. What I used to enjoy more about the Adelaide show though was the "side shows" (fairground rides etc. of which there were many which must have cost my parents a small fortune as I wanted to have a go at all of them). They don`t seem to have the side shows at the British shows, well at least not at the Norfolk one. At the Australian shows they used to, and still do I believe, have "sample bags" for purchase which were crammed (or seemed to be in those days) with all sorts of goodies. I was only allowed to have one or two of them, but some children used to go home with dozens and they must have just about sent their parents bankrupt.



        • #5

          Hi Gwenda,
          That was personal fireworks I am appalled at the clear cutting which has long been the practice in the US forests. To see it happening in Finland and Sweden is disappointing. So I took the opportunity to rail against it. Sorry,
          Support SFHS - Building a bridge back to Finland!


          • #6
            For Syrene

            No need to apologise. At least I know I am not QUITE that thick now, because I did sort of think that was what you were getting at. All the best



            • #7
              Well OK, A Bit Different??

              So, not exactly Agricultural Shows, but how about this? Husband works with tractors (a long story) and consequently got involved with the "Starting Handle Club" at a country fair last weekend. Similar to Agricultural Shows, but not quite so many animals. It involved a couple of very early morning starts, but a great weekend involving not only 90 tractors, but heavy horse ploughing matches (a friend of ours won 2nd prize) dog shows, gymkanas, craft exhibitions and sales (my purse ALMOST got opened but I resisted temptation) etc. etc. etc. Personally, I was dreading it and thought, having never been involved in anything like this before, that it would be an absolutely dreadful weekend, but was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable it all was. For me though, the best part of the whole weekend was Sunday morning "breakfast run" when the whole 90 tractors set off at 7 am, with wives, families and friends being towed along on trailers behind. All the locals came out to wave to us, having got used to this after 39 years of the same old same old. About 8 miles down the track we stopped for our pre-arranged English breakfast - although unfortunately the sausages had run out by the time we got to the front of the queue. Chips (fries) for breakfast is just not the same. The rest of Sunday we were free to enjoy all the other festivities, street entertainers, exhibitions etc. A wonderful weekend all in all and I am looking forward to next year, as the 40th year has to be something really special!!


