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The tzunami in South-East Asia

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  • The tzunami in South-East Asia

    Seems like many of the victims in the tzunami in South-East Asia are from the Scandinavian countries. Finnish papers fear that the Finnish victims problably can be counted in tens. Swedish media tells that over 1600 Swedes are unaccounted for.
    The disaster probably will be a far larger one than the Estonia -disaster in the 90's.
    So far I myself have heard of several missing persons connected to a school in Finland. These persons flew via Stockholm and probably don't show in the Finnish statistics.
    I don't know if the disaster has been in the media in the US, but this disaster has been covered more or less the same way as the hurricane disasters in Florida a few months ago.
    The total deathcount estimate is now some 65.000 persons in the area!! Most of these are tourists from Europe. Families on beach holidays...

    Now the travel agencies fly tourists back to Europe - people that have lost all their clothes and papers. Children who have lost their parents...


  • #2

    Yes, Hasse, the disaster is big news here, too, in our newspapers and TV - many pictures and stories. President Bush has sent $15 million in aid. It's a pity there was no warning system set up for the Indian Ocean as there is for other oceans to send an alert when such a tidal wave is coming. They probably will never know how many people were lost.



    • #3
      Yes , it is a H U G E subject in Finland.

      Please, donate money to Red Cross etc etc - and do it right now, not tomorrow.
      visit my site
      or my blog

      Sorry, only in Finnish


      • #4

        New Year is usually celebrated with fabulous fireworks display all over Finland and I imagine also in the rest of the world.

        Yes, it would be nice to see this new year's celebration without fireworks with the money spent as donations to the Red Cross instead!



        • #5
          Tzunami aid

          Our newspaper has a page of addresses where people can send donations for disaster help.

          There is a picture of a man and a little boy from Sweden who were rescued. The mother is missing.



          • #6
            Re: Donations..

            Suggest that we all on the Finlander discussion forum should make donations to the Red Cross.



            • #7
              Red Cross donations

              The Red Cross in Finland gives the following bank accounts on their internet page:
              • Nordea 221918-68000
              • Sampo 800019-225005
              • Okopankki 578007-10011649
              • Aktia 405511-11397

              Additionally here in Finland we can call service numbers:

              0600 41 41 41 (20 euros / call + local call cost) or
              0600-12220 (19,95 euros/call +local call cost) or
              0600 412 777 (10 euros / call + local call cost) or
              0600-12210 (9,85 euros/call +local call cost) or
              0600 411 777 (5,05 euros / call + local call cost)

              Finnish Red Cross pages
              In Sweden:
              Web page for in-line donations

              In USA:
              Web page for on-line donations


              • #8
                I have been watching the television about the devastating aftermath of the Tsunami. This is such a tragedy! The loss of life is just to staggering! I am glad that we have this chit chat forum
                to talk about this. Unlike another site that seems to have erupted
                into an unpleasant forum.
                I wish all of you a very Happy New Year. I am have family and friends over this evening for dinner and drinks. It rained , yes rained, cats and dogs here yesterday! So unusual for this far North. Now the snow and cold are coming. I hope we do not get an ice storm but I think it is coming.
                Best wishes for the coming New Year.
                Alicia Marshall


                • #9
                  I agree, Alicia. When I saw the "fireworks" erupting on Finngen, it made me realize how nice it is to have the Finlander Forum and a place to put "off topic" discussions. I understand the rules "over there" but sometimes feel badly for the innocents who mean no harm but are only displaying compassion.

                  So as this year ends and a new one begins, my thanks, again, go to Hasse for coordinating this little part of the internet where we can come together in common interests, learn some, and just enjoy!

                  Health and happiness to all members for the New Year!
                  Kevin Paavola
                  Orlando Florida


                  • #10
                    The small Swedish boy, miraculously saved from the tzunami and mentioned in June´s message, was actually half Finnish, his father is a Finnish emigrant to Sweden.
                    I returned from Khao Lak, the resort where thousands of Scandinavians are missing, just two weeks before the tzunami. This year has been a difficult one in many ways, let us pray for a better one to come.
                    Happy New Year to everyone on this wonderful list from snowy Finland where fireworks are just erupting to the skies ( the year changed just 15 minutes ago ), but the Red Cross bank accounts are also filling with donations.
                    Merja Syrjämäki
                    Tampere/Tammerfors, Finland


                    • #11
                      Finnish name list from Helsingin Sanomat website


                      This is a tsunami missing persons name list that was current at 2pm on Saturday.



                      • #12
                        Donations for the tzunami victims

                        Yesterday's two events in Sweden's TV-channels received donations of 330 million kronor! An exceptionally huge amount of money collected during one night - the biggest amount ever collected during one night through Radiohjälpen! The money originates from volontary donations from single persons, families and companies.

                        The link to Sveriges Radio's web page about the donations.

                        Haven't seen any numbers yet over what has been collected in Finland. The Red Cross had received donations of 4,5 million euro already several days ago.


                        • #13
                          My cousin Ulrica and her family were on Sri Lanka when the tsunami hitted the island, but they are now safley back in Stockholm. The place that they shoud have spend their holyday in were totally destroyed so they were evecuated to Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. They are hurted but they are going to be allright, as far as I know.

                          My brother were in Thailand and came home just a week before the tsunami hitted Kao Lac. He had when he were in Thailand tried to change his travel back home so he coud have stayed there a few more days. But lucky for him and for us he didn`t got eny ticket so he had to go home on the 14 of December.


                          • #14
                            Re: Donations for the tzunami victims

                            Originally posted by Hasse
                            Haven't seen any numbers yet over what has been collected in Finland.
                            I just heard on the news that people have contributed over 11 million euros here in Finland to different organizations like the Red Cross and Unicef. And the sum is increasing by the hour. That is about twice the amount our governement has promised.

                            Different news sources claim that the world community har promised 1,5 billion euros to the countries in the disaster area. Let's hope that all the different countries are as good as their word.

                            About a year ago the ancient Iranian city of Bam was erased from the map by a earthquake. I just read a report that claimed that 17 million of the promised billion euros have been paid by the countries that promised help. People are still living under primitive conditions in shacks and tents there, and nobody seems to care. Let's hope that the promises will hold better this time. I think we should watch our own governements and let them know what we think about them if they don't deliver. E-mail can be very effective...



                            • #15
                              Satellite images

                              Here's a link I found that has satellite images with before and after photos of areas affected by the tsunami.

                              They seem legitimate as I have seen others that appear not to be so.

                              Kevin Paavola
                              Orlando Florida

