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Met a new relative today

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  • Met a new relative today

    I've spent nearly all day visiting with a cousin whom I've never met. His mother was my father's first cousin and they both wrote to each other until they died. Then contact was lost. But today John drove here to meet us for the first time. He had only 5 hours and we really crammed in a lot of stuff. I showed him photos of his grandmother's family in Finland, plus many photos of relatives he had heard of but never met. He wanted to see my genealogy program and now he is all hepped up about putting one on his computer so I can send him the family data. He has a Mac, but I'm sure that won't be a problem. Now I'll work on getting him to join Finlander! To top it all off, he took us out to dinner and we found out that we were all chocoholics - so we ended up eating dessert: a 6-layer chocolate cake topped with fudge and ice cream! And we found out that we have some other family characteristics such as the same eyebrows, forehead and ears. All in all a fun day - and the weather cooperated with lots of sunshine!


  • #2
    Re: Met a new relative today

    Originally posted by June Pelo
    … He has a Mac, but I'm sure that won't be a problem …
    I have also a Mac, and I am a Mac-user att work too. In fact, I refuse to use a Windows machine if I can avoid it in any way possible.

    I can assure you that your relative will have a lot fewer problems with his Mac than the rest of you have with your PC:s. Specially if he has made the transfer from OS 9 to OS X. So far no virus problem to mention in the Mac environment.

    As for genealogy programs: Reunion works fine.



    • #3
      Re: Met a new relative today

      ...He has a Mac, but I'm sure that won't be a problem.

      As you might expect from me I congratulate you for having a smart second cousin! - As you know I prefer Macs also. No hazzle. Works like charm. There are genealogy programs with really nice graphics and report possibilities, easy to use etc.



      • #4

        Yes, Hasse, I told him about you and your Mac and maybe I'll put him in contact with you...



        • #5
          I think the Mac is slowing moving into the windows orbit. First it's intel inside and next Billy boy decides to spend a few billion and buy the company.
          And if you think you can keep your real macs, no way because all software will be changed to not convert to mac stuff.

          It gets worse but I suggest lots of sobbing and tearing of garments.

          But wait, there is a possible solution!

          Windows 3.1

          I used a 150 powerbook that my agency provided. It had a choice of "word" or clarice works. Word was slow and clunky and unreliable in my opinion while clarice works was superb.

          But in this world, whoever has the gold makes the rules and Billy boy has that gold while Stevie doesn't.

          Chuck -


          • #6
            Windows 3.1

            I don't know much about computers, but I read recently that the File Manager in Windows 3.1 was considered to be better than anything coming out since. I used 3.1 and I liked it. I have XP and I can't say I'm wild about it.



            • #7
              If Seattle Bill buys Apple I will transfer to Linux …


