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Broken leg

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  • Broken leg

    Hi everyone,
    Broke my left leg on Feb 27. had surgery the next day and was released from the hospital in 5 days. Fractured the tibial plateau quite badly, have 2 plates and screws holding things together. Have to be non- weight bearing for 12 weeks. Going stir-crazy already. Just got my computer moved downstairs as I can't do steps. Looking forward to getting more active as my pain level gets abit more tolerable. Going tomorrow to have the 25 staples removed and a re-xray. Karen

  • #2
    Broken Leg


    I'm so sorry to hear about your leg - that's quite a serious break and will take a while to heal - and then you'll have to have therapy. I noticed your absence on Finlander - hope that you'll be able to soon participate again. Wish you a quick recovery.



    • #3
      Hi Karen,
      As somebody who has suffered a different kind of health problem, I really sympathise with you and hope things go well.
      Nice you can still get online so that's going to help to pass the time. Maybe find some website of ppl on the right and left sides of politics and compose stuff that stiffles each side. Most of those types of places have ppl on the extreme edges of life. You might help to pull them back to the healthy center.
      Or, you could beat your husband with a pointed stick - it's your call

      Best wishes, eh? And if you need something from Swenson, give me a pm.



      • #4
        Broken Leg

        Hi Karen,
        I am so sorry to hear about your broken leg! I hope you have a speedy recovery. I thought something was wrong when I didn't hear back from you after my last e-mail. Good luck, and I wish you nothing but the best. I've never broken a bone, but can only imagine the pain! Take care, and get well soon!
        P.S. Is Carl still coming to visit you?


        • #5
          Broken leg...

          Hi Karen!

          As I was reading the various replies to your Broken Leg posting, I was hoping someone would ask you for the "tale of the broken leg", but alas, no one has! Everyone else on Finlander has manners, I guess. But then, there's me. That's a significant break -- how on earth???

          Hoping you're not too uncomfortable and that you've got friends and family to help as needed. Of course, we're all here for your too...

          Best wishes on your recovery.



          • #6
            Tale of Broken Leg

            To Debbie & and of course, Karen

            I wanted to ask too, but I recently found out she's my cousin and I didn't want her to find out how rude I really am yet! Tell us, please Karen, how did you do that? I'll admit that I'm a klutz. Does that trait run in our family? Maybe we should do the DNA testing!
            Your cousin,


            • #7
              To all the curious,
              Would you believe I was on a stepstool at work, only about 18- inches off the floor, thought the next step backwards would be the floor, it wasn't. I came down hard on my left foot and then fell onto my left side and shoulder. Orthopod thinks due to my osteoporosis, the tibia shattered on compression. All I could think as I lay there on the floor was STUPID!!! Right now the pain level is tolerable during the day, but thank God for Darvocet at bedtime. Guess it's just more time to think about it when all's quiet and everyone else is asleep.


              • #8
                Karen, what a nasty accident... Wishing you a speedy recovery -- and a lot of patience.

                Päivi T


                • #9
                  Broken Leg...

                  Oh my...thanks for telling us, Karen. I will think of you as I pack boxes over the following month in preparation for moving to a new office. Sending happy, healing thoughts in your direction!



                  • #10
                    Broken leg


                    Suoma sends her kindest regards from Finland for your recovery.



                    • #11
                      Broken Leg

                      Oh Karen,
                      Any cousin of mine would have come up with a more glamorous story than that! Like swinging from a chandelier while having wild sex, and missing the bed as you gracefully swung off! Just kidding! Ladders and stepstools are probably the number one causes of accidents. My husband used to do commercial painting for a living, and says it's so easy to forget where you are, and just walk right off! I hope you recover quickly, and hopefully the pain subsides soon! At least you should have that cast off before summer! What a lousy way to get time off work!
                      Thinking of you,


                      • #12
                        Thanks everyone, Personally, I'd much rather be working. Karen


                        • #13
                          Broken Leg

                          I don't know you of course, but just had a friend who stepped off a low rise step stool like you did, and really broke her leg terribly, and yes, four months of non weight bearing....oh my,that is terrible to go thru that. I felt so sorry for her, but she's doing very well now after thereapy started. I wish you well and let everyone else do things for you..


                          • #14
                            Hi Karen,
                            Really sorry to read about your accident. Hopefully, as you are now about halfway through your enforced rest, I hope you are without the pain and enjoying the side benefits like sleep ins and having the time to lie in bed to read. Perhaps you have found time for some of your own genealogical research too or even had time to catch up on all the fantastic jokes posted!
                            Anyway I hope things are improving and your leg is healing too
                            Happy Easter


                            • #15
                              Update on broken leg... Went for my 12 week visit with the surgeon today. No more brace! I can weight-bear now, full weight and will be using my walker until I resume therapy on Thursday, then will graduate to a cane. When I'm confident with my walking, I can eliminate the cane. It felt so strange to put weight on the leg, as though it didn't belong to me. Karen

