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Golden eagle online camera in Pudasjärvi

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  • Golden eagle online camera in Pudasjärvi

    Check out the live image of a golden eagle online camera:

    " This page will provide information on nest activity. Mr. Kalevi Tunturi and other experts will share information on the life of eagles. Visitors can leave questions on the feedback part of the eagle camera web site.

    We have named the golden eagle parents. The name of the male eagle is Väinö, the name of the female is Aino. These names come from the Finnish epic poem "Kalevala". "

    News from the nest:

    Aino and Väinö got two eaglets - their names are being considered.

    Take a look!

  • #2
    Golden Eagle

    Hi Solja,
    Today, May 22, marks 5 years that my father, Kenneth Fraki, passed away. He lived on Lake Superior, and loved to watch the eagles there. On the day he died, as the ambulance was coming down the road, a neighbor sighted a golden eagle, a very rare sight in Michigan, and made the comment that "it was as if the golden eagle was there to take my father on his journey to heaven". Even the names are fitting, Vaino and Aino. My father's parents names were Waino and Ina. (I believe Aino is the Finnish spelling of Ina). Thank-you for posting the golden eagle sight. I think my dad just stopped by to say hi to me!



    • #3
      Names for the Eaglets

      Hi Again Solja,
      Just had a thought. Maybe the names for the eaglets could be Kenneth (finnish spelling?) and John, as my dad's brother, John Fraki passed away May 21, 2005, a year ago, yesterday.


      P.S. Their mother's (Ina) maiden name was Kilpelä!


      • #4
        Wedge Tailed Eagles

        Slightly off topic, but hope no-one minds. Just feel I have to share our Australian eagle experience with you. While we were there for 4 months, Oct 05/Feb06, we had a wonderful day on a 450,000 acre sheep station, courtesy of friends of our daughter. Apart from all the wonderful country home cooking/sheep/goats/kangaroos, parrots, etc. etc. etc., the highlight of our day (and one of the highlights of the whole 4 month trip) was climbing a ladder to a wedgetailed eagle's nest where we were able to get up close and almost very personal with the baby eagle which was just about to fly the nest. A VERY BIG BABY!

        The owners of the sheep station had been observing the progress of the "family" from the egg stage, so they had got used to human presence. Although we were obviously being watched by mum and dad eagle, we were able to view very big baby at close range, from a distance of about 3 feet in UK measurements, not sure in metric. A wonderful experience anyway.

        I have been trying to attach a photograph of baby eagle, without success.

        I've got two photos, one of baby eagle the other of the nest and us in close proximity, saved on "desktop", but cannot seem to get them attached to a Finlander message. Any help gratefully received.
        Last edited by Gwenda; 25-05-06, 23:59.


        • #5
          Continuing this...

          There has been now a bear camera, too, see Ursus Arctos

          On-line camera from the bear nest

          Three cute bear cubs :-)

