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Summer greetings

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  • Summer greetings

    While otherwise inactive in the Forum during summer, I like to send best regards to all Finlanders with the picture of my young summer place neighbors

    One or two days after this snapshot those tiny swallows started to train flying.

    "Hello world, here we come"


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    • #3
      Back at home, my room was upstairs, and there were six swallow's nests outside and above my window, tucked on pieces of board placed there for that purpose by my father. We kids used to have such fun collecting feathers and blowing them out of my window, into a breeze, for the swallows to catch and use as bedding for their younglings. Very rarely did a swallow would miss a feather with the first pass, but the second pass would usually be spot on. Having spent all my childhood summers listening to the chirp and chatter of swallows flying and nesting right outside my window, theirs is the sound that I most associate with summer. When I heard the swallows start chattering outside my window, I always felt that summer had truly arrived. Our home unfortunately has no suitable nesting boards for swallows, but they still are very much at home at my parents -- this year's count is a dozen nests. A lot of aerial acrobatics to watch -- and now our children are old enough to learn the "tradition" of blowing feathers for swallows. -- A lovely photo, Jaska!


      • #4
        marvelous photo

        Thanks Jaska! I enjoy birdwatching, and yours is really close-up watching! I find swallows talk all the time their working through the air for bugs, and sometimes they distract me from seeing other birds. Really everywhere!
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