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The Living archive by YLE

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  • The Living archive by YLE

    I don´t think the link to the Living Archive of YLE ( Finnish Broadcasting Company) has been posted here before.
    From their website:
    "The Living Archive is a free internet service through which you can listen to voices from the past and watch the progress of history on the small screen. The website presents the visitor with a library containing hundreds of television programmes and thousands of radio programmes in both Finnish and Swedish."

    I found a few tv programs of emigrants, there might be more. The website is in Finnish partly in Swedish , with only an introduction in English.
    You can use the search engine, however, on the right with Search-button ( Hae ). If you type in ´siirtolaisuus´ you will find articles of farmers in Spencer NY 1947, Finns in Manhattan 1953 and a program about Finglish 1977 and a couple of programs of emigration to Sweden.
    A search for ´ulkosuomalaiset´ gives a few reports of Finns abroad.

    Well worth checking out, especially if you know some Finnish, and free!
    Merja Syrjämäki
    Tampere/Tammerfors, Finland

  • #2
    Sorry, the link to the Finnish website does not work. This should do the trick:
    Merja Syrjämäki
    Tampere/Tammerfors, Finland

