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The Keep Fit Class

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  • The Keep Fit Class

    For any of you who have ever tried dieting or exercise, or both, I hope you will enjoy my poem.

    Oh boy oh boy, what was I thinking?
    The classes were free, that's why!
    So off I went, sports kit sort of matched??
    Cool wasn't enough - oh sigh!!

    Little did I suspect, though perhaps I should
    The classes were free, as I said
    But silly me "gentle exercise" was advertised
    I'm not sure if I'm right in the head

    Well, anyway folks, three classes have passed
    And a lot of huffing and puffing I've done
    At 60 years of age, I'm still keeping up
    With the young ones - not sure when I turn 61

    Getting weaker by the minute, supposed to be fitter
    Can we please have a break to recover?
    Yippee!!! We've stopped, but for how long?
    Oh no, three sips of water, it's all over!

    Well, still hanging in there, here comes lesson four
    Not giving up, no how, no way
    Getting fitter (I think) as each week goes by
    But forget it, if you think I will pay!

    Seriously now, and in between the pain
    Which for the moment has all away gone
    I'm not going to be beaten, not going to give up
    Just need to diet a bit and the battle will be won!

    Seriously folks, it's not all that bad and I really am feeling fitter - just about.