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Finland news

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  • Finland news

    Suomen Silta reported these news items:

    A long-overdue film project about Commander-inChief Carl Gustaf Mannerheim (1867-1951) is moving ahead. The Finnish-Russian coproduction has an estimated budget of 12-14 million euros ($15.8-$18.4 million), making it the most expensive production in the history of Finnish cinema. They hope to have the necessary funding together by the summer.

    A few years ago one of my cousins wrote a biography about Mannerheim, but was unable to get it published - no interest by any publisher.

    Cosy Finland is a company that arranges meetings between foreign visitors and Finns. They claim the best way to get familiar with Finns and their habits and culture is to visit a local family. They offer a choice of a dinner, lunch or coffee bread for 1-4 guests. They also offer visits to saunas, museums, and other activities. In the future they hope to add Christmas and Easter dinners. So far visitors have come from China, Japan, Australia, the USA and Denmark. For more information:
