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Escaped from Russia-Fact or Fiction?

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  • #16
    Russia escape---Yet another clue!!

    Thanks for message Sune-I called my Aunt Phyllis in California, (in her 80's) she is widow of Walter E. Nyberg, son of August Evi Nyberg, son of Carl August Nyberg. While I was talking to her about my genealogy search, she told me:
    "When Grandpa Nyberg would have super with us, a couple times he said his father Carl, after he finished becoming a tailor, he went back to Aland for a while, and later he became the personal tailor of the tsar of Russia, and when things got hot, he escapted Russia to save his own neck." ???
    I took this with a grain of salt, but thought I'ed check it out. I took the timelines of Carl, became tailor in 1857, first marrage 1890, about 30 years of ? I found a Russian Tsar, noticed Alexander II 1855-1881, lived in St. Petersburg, Russia, same place Carl learned to be a Tailor. A long-shot, how would one look in the history books to find Alexander's personal tailor? If Carl was his tailor for some time, he would have been payed good, and that would be where Carl funded his emigration to America. But doesn't explain his escape, why would he leave a job of personal tailor? It don't make sence. Please let me know about searching Tsar's tailor, Thanks, Rodney


    • #17
      Russia escape--I made an error.

      Carl's first marrage was to Johanna on Jan 1863, and Carl became a Tailor on 1857, so there were six years unnoted of his where-abouts. I have to remind myself, with genealogy, you have to keep doing the math, SORRY, Rodney

