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Keskilännen Sanomat

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  • Keskilännen Sanomat

    This newspaper was published in Duluth, Minnesota from March 1949 to February 1956 by Midwest Finnish Publishing Company. I have been trying to find the successor company or the owner of the papers intellectual rights. I am hoping to gain permission to reprint stories written by farmor Amalia Kytola under the pen name Anni Ahola. Does anyone have suggestions as to how to contact the right person or entity to gain this permission? Any idea, no matter how wild will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    D J,
    Might I suggest contacting the Immigration History Research Center of the University of Minnesota. They hold copies of the Keskilännen Sanomet published by the Midwestern Tidings in Duluth. The director is Donna Gabaccia. Email ihrc* I found their site online and thought it's worth a try. Karen


    • #3
      Thanks Karen. There were 50 stories from the newspaper that I was given by a cousin. There seemed to be a gap in 2 places as the stories were being translated. When I contacted the University of Minnesota, they found 2 more stories so the total series was 52. They copied the missing episodes and sent them to me. I have asked them about the paper's succession of ownership but they were not able to lead me to the intellectual property owner of the stories. If anything else comes to mind, please let me know.


      • #4
        I'm not that familiar with American copyright law. In Finland however the copyright returns to the author of a newspaper or magazine article after it has been published or rejected. If this applies in the USA the copyright of the articles should be held by the heirs of Amalia Kytola.

        I'm under the impression that the Library of Congress has some sort of copyright register. Maybe that's a place to start



        • #5
          Thanks Sune. The Library of Congress sounds like a good place to look.

