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towns in Finland

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  • towns in Finland

    My daughter and I hope to make a trip to Finland next year. My ancestral families came mostly from the area of Vörå..Rekipeldo village, Oravais..Komossa, Keskis and Lillkyrö, Esse and Salmivaara, Kuolajärvi (Salla), Oulu. These were the names in the 1800's. Are they still found under those names? Any travel tips would be welcome.

  • #2
    Towns in Finland


    Here you can finde a lot of them.

    Henrik Mangs
    Henrik Mangs


    • #3
      Hi Karen!
      My mothers father was born in Komossa, Oravais. He was born
      Isac Edward Bagge. I have relations that farm the original Komossa farm. This family is related to Sigfrids and one branch is originally from Ståhle from Sweden. Also my father and father's
      father were born in Esse.
      The names of villages and farms you list are still in use today.
      My wife and I travel to Oravais and Esse every year. Some times
      twice a year. Oravais and Esse are beautiful farm areas. In Vörå
      there is a great place to stay: Norrvalla Folkhälsan. They have a nice new hotel with a large indoor pool, hot tubs and exercise rooms at quite resonable rates we had our 8 year old grand daughter and had hard time getting her out of the pool.
      Have lots of pictures and video's of the area. Have a collection of
      many family histories of Esse and Oravais.
      The SFHS office has a complete micro fishe file of Vörå church records.
      A must is Kimo Buk in Oravais to see the old iron factory.
      Also Oravais Slagfältet where in 1808-09 one of the great battles
      was fought against the Russian army.
      Greetings from Seattle
      Don Forsman


      • #4
        Thank you to all who answered. It sounds so wonderful. It has long been a dream of mine to see where my ancestors were born. I've been told by my cousins, who were there in May, that May and June are the cheapest airfares. Do you find that to be true? I live on the east coast.


        • #5
          January and February is cheaper but be sure to bring your long johns.



          • #6
            Travel to Finland

            Hi Karen,
            Typically, the Winter season is the least expensive time to travel to Europe, in general. The season runs from just after the 1st of the year until March 15. Then "Shoulder" season begins and runs until May 31 or June 14. June 15 through Sept 15 is considered High season and the time when the airfares are the most.

            If you can't bear to travel during colder times, try late Spring. If you decide to go in the summer, have your travel agent check with consolidators, who have discounted contract fares with the major carriers and will definitely save you $ during the High season.

            Many years ago, my wife and I traveled to Finland on a package that included air, hotel, breakfast and a roundtrip on Viking Line to Stockholm. It was $699 from NYC. You should also check the travel section of the Sunday NY Times for ballpark airfares.

            Bon voyage!
            Kevin Paavola
            Orlando Florida


            • #7
              travel clothing

              I second Gunnar's suggestion! I take the kind of layering I use when cross country skiing for underclothing. Also a pair of leather "cityboots" made in Canada which are lined and waterproof. Then my clothes can be layered on and off. I wear the wool raincoat with button-in liner on the plane, because it's so heavy. But it has sure come in handy when the mid-May weather has turned birch buds to pink from the deep frosts. I am also careful to include a jacket and skirt or slacks which can go to a party, church service, etc. Many ladies in my age group (60's) dress for such occasions. Slacks are always a lifesaver as well as wool cardigan with pullover or cotton turtleneck. Warm elegant gloves are also helpful.

              and you know Don would just say, "Pishtut. It's not cold in May!"
              Support SFHS - Building a bridge back to Finland!


              • #8
                Liesedal Hotel by Munsala

                My wife and I stayed at Liesedal in 1997 and enjoyed it immensely.
                And Munsala is a bit north of Oravais and off the main highway. The website has an email address and seems to suggest a B&B operation from May.


                Chuck Maki

