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One more translation, please.

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  • One more translation, please.

    In 1990 my uncle requested a search and it returned in Finnish, and I assume it ended in my mother's possession to be translated; only thing is, I can't read it.

    Tampereelle muutti yksin 19.7.1878 Helsingista viilari Johan Theodor sittemmin Juho Theodor Hopp, synt. 9.11.1849 Helsinki, vihitty kummankin I avioliittoon 22.6.1878 Susanna Wilhelmina Lindi'in kanssa, synt. 5.6.1851 Urjala, vaimo muutti Lempaalasta yksini 14.1.1873 Tampereelle, josta muuttivat 15.12.1896 Jamsaan. Kirjoissamme lapset:

    Frans Theodor Hopp, synt. 20.3.1879 Tampere, tyomies, muutti Tampereelta 26.9.1898 Jamsaan, naimaton.

    Karl Viktor sittemin Kaarlo Victor Hopp, synt. 16.1.1881 Tampere, josta muutti 15.12.1896 Jamsaan, naimaton.

    Gustaf Adolf Hopp, synt. 8.12.1882 Tampere, jossa kuoli 28.7.1883.

    John William Hopp, synt. 8.9.1884 Tampere.

    Hilda Wilhelmina Hopp, synt. 11.7.1886 Tampere ja

    Jeffy Sofia Hopp, synt. 22.1.1889 Tampere seka

    Signe Maria Hopp, synt. 24.3.1892 Tampere, josta muuttivat 15.12.1896 Jamsaan.

    Susanna Wilhelmina Hopp'illa e Linda kirjoissamme lapsi:

    Elsa Marianna Sievanen e. Hopp, synt. 28.4.1874 Tampere, neuloja, muutti Tampereelta 31.5.1897 Tamsaan, josta muutti takaisin Tampereelle perheineen 13.9.1897, vihitty kummankin I avioliittoon v 1897 tyomies Emil Heikki Sivasen kanssa, synt. 10.1.1871 Karpilahti.

    Vaimo kuoli 14.2.1898 Tampereella. Mies julistettu kuolleeksi II:ssa avioliitossaan 6.6.1996 ja kuolinpaivaksi maaratty 1.1.1956, hanet oli merkitty Tampereen Tuomiokirkkoseurakunnan poissaolevaan vaestoon 1.1.1951.

    Emil ja Elsa Sievasen avioliitota kirjoissamme lapsi: Toivo Henrik, synt. 13.1.1898 Tampere, kuoli 19.1.1898.

  • #2
    OK, I'll try:

    (note that the dates are in format

    Filer Johan Theodor, later J.T. Hopp, moved to Tampere alone 19.7.1878,
    b. 9.11.1849 Helsinki, married 22.6.1878 S.W.Lindi, b. 5.6.1851 Urjala, first marriage for both. Wife moved alone from Lempaala to Tampere 14.1.1873,
    from where both moved to Jämsä 15.12.1896. (Note that there are both Lempaala and Lempäälä in Finland, I guess this should be Lempäälä, 'cos it's near Tampere). Children in our books:
    F.T. b. 20.3.1879 Tampere, worker, moved to Jämsä 26.9.1898, unmarried
    K.V. b. 16.1.1881 Tampere, moved to Jämsä 15.12.1896, unmarried
    G.A. b. 8.12.1882 Tampere, died there 28.7.1883
    J.W. b. 8.9.1884 Tampere
    H.W. b. 11.7.1886 Tampere and
    J.S. b. 22.1.1889 Tampere as well as
    S.M. b. 24.3.1882, from where they moved to Jämsä 15.12.1896
    Susanna Wilhemina Hopp former Linda has in our books one child
    E.M. Sievänen former Hopp, b. 28.4.1874 Tampere, knitter, moved 31.5.1897 to Jämsä (there is no Tamsa) and back to Tampere with family 12.9.1897, married 1897 with worker E.H.S. b. 10.1.1871 Korpilahti.
    Wife died 14.2.1898 in Tampere. Husband declared dead in his second marriage 6.6.1996 with death date 1.1.1956. He had been registered within absent population in Tampere city parish 1.1.1851
    Emil and Elsa Sievänen have one child from their marriage in our books: Toivo Henrik, b. 13.1.1898, d. 19.1.1898


    • #3

      Thank you VERY much. This has a lot more info than the translated copy I found. I'm sorry about the umlauts--I was too lazy to put them in. I'll check the original again regarding the place you mentioned.


