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Russian - Finnish border

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  • Russian - Finnish border

    This picture shows part of a more than 700-mile long border between Russia and Finland - Russia to the left, Finland on the right with no-man's land in between. The cut is patrolled by troops from both countries. It is a powerful, arbitrary line in the landscape and people live very different lives on either side of it. This picture "Borderlands" is part of a show at the U. of Minn. called "Almos(t)here".
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  • #2
    I visited the border near Salla when I was in Finland in 2008. We drove right near to the guardhouse and no-one made an appearance or looked to see that someone was there. We took pictures of the crossing. We stayed a good 20 minutes and never saw a guard.


    • #3
      Russian - Finnish border

      I guess you were lucky. Minna Rainio, a Finnish filmmaker took this picture. She said she had to get special permission to take the picture and she was accompanied by a guard while doing so. I read her article to find out where the picture was taken, but she didn't mention the place.


      • #4
        I had to make this smaller. Hope it's clear. Now that I look at it, looks like there's someone in the one building, but we never saw him.
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        • #5

          I notice there's a fence along the road - probably electric - so they aren't worried about anything trying to sneak in. They might even have cameras keeping track of anyone who drives down that road. RE the picture I sent - Maybe they have something deep in the woods that they don't want anyone to see, thus the guards.

