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Heat Wave

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  • Heat Wave

    For those of you in the US, you know the East coast is having a heat wave. We are in the midst of our 5th heat wave of the season, 3 or more consecutive days of 90 degrees or more. Last month we had 15 days over 90 Yesterday we were 101 and heading there again today. No significant rain in weeks. It is awful out there. Our lawns look like dried hay. Thank God for air conditioning.

  • #2
    Yep that has been all over the news. I feel sorry for those people on the east coast. My question though is why does the news make such a big deal about it? I live here in Denver and it not uncommon at all. In fact last year we broke the record for not only the most days in a row of 90+, but also for the most days of 100+ in a row. Nevada and AZ have lots of days as well like that.This summer though some of us have to deal with rolling black outs since a substation blew up last month. Never fails by end of the summer we are also getting water restrictions so we can't water the lawns etc. I agree though thank heavens for the AC.


    • #3
      Heat wave

      Isn't it strange - our TV showed people getting off a plane from New York - they flew down here to get away from the heat! Our temps were about 15° cooler than they have in the northeast. I've lived here in Florida for 30 years and the temp. has never reached 100° in our town, although there are places inland where it does get that hot. When I first moved here I didn't have AC, but with the use of fans placed strategically, my house was cool. And I lived in Washington, D.C. for many years; my first apartment didn't have AC but again, with the use of fans, I kept the place cool. I might add that few government offices at that time had AC - they mounted rotating fans on the walls and every now and then we got a fresh breeze when the fan turned our way. So we worked all day in the heat, rode the hot bus home and then waited for the sun to go down in hopes our apartments would cool off during the night. In the 1960s I moved into an air conditioned apartment building and guess what?? the central air system shut down and it took them several months to replace it. So we spent two of the hottest months of the summer in a hot high-rise with no cross ventilation. Somehow we survived. We took a lot of cold baths and bought a lot of fans.


      • #4
        Heat wave

        Karen, I meant to tell you that all your rain has moved down over us - we've had about 5 days of non-stop rain and we're sick of it. Today the sun came out and everyone is smiling.


        • #5
          Oh June,
          Send it our way. We are so dry. I think we mind the heat more now than we did years ago. More buildings, pavement, less green space to cool things. If they keep building around us and cutting down trees, pretty soon there won't be anything green around us. Now when it does rain, it runs off because there's nothing to soak it up. Like we need another housing development or shopping mall.


          • #6

            I agree about the loss of greenery. Yesterday I saw a program on TV where they compared the temps in the middle of a town full of buildings and paved roads with that of a suburb in the same city where there was grass and trees. There was quite a difference in the temps. I think we're in for another strange year, weatherwise. Our weatherman said the storm that hit Mexico and Texas last week was the strongest storm to ever form this early in the Gulf of Mexico. And now another storm is following in the same path. I don't know where our rain went, so I can't send it your way. We're just glad to have our sunshine back.


            • #7
              It's hot in Finland, too

              Several days above 30°C (86°F) is rather unexceptional in Finland.
              Today the highest temperature of 34.2°C (93.6°F) was measured in Hämeenlinna (Tavastehus), which is third highest within century (only 1914's 35.9°C and 1934's 35.6°C exceed that).
              Going to the lake doesn't help much, as the water is 27 to 28 °C.
              Fortunately a few cooler days are forecast.

              Finland is in the same latitude as Alaska and southern part of Greenland!



              • #8
                hot in Finland!

                Yes, I have heard from relatives in Karleby about how hot it is there. They have been sleeping on the floor because it's cooler there.


                • #9
                  freak heat waves

                  I remember "sleeping" in a bathtub with 2 of my children in Southampton England.
                  But there was a pay-off, none of us could sleep so we got up early and drove to Stonehedge to see it rising in the mist.
                  BTW, we stayed in a great hotel 2 years ago by the railroad station in Helsinki. I would have been mighty upset enduring those temps in Finland today (no air-conditioning)
                  Stay cool all,


                  • #10
                    Uggg...yeah this east coast heat wave is killing me. I work in a medical supply warehouse driving a forklift all day, and it gets SOOO hot in there!
                    Rob Williams


                    • #11
                      Heat wave

                      I read that the heat is affecting all of Europe and ruining crops that are drying up. I wish we could send them some of our rain because we don't need 1-2 inches of rain every day.


                      • #12
                        Heat goes on

                        Today a new top value of 35.0°C (95.0°F) was measured in Lahti, and possibly tomorrow even that will be exceeded somewhere in Finland, and the century's record is challenged.
                        In my summer site we've got only a few drops of rain after complete one month's dryness



                        • #13
                          New record!

                          Indeed, today on the 29th of July, a new Finnish temperature record was done. 37.2°C (99.0°F) was measured at Joensuu Airport in Liperi.

                          Now a thunderstorm sounds to be approaching...



                          • #14

                            Just had an e-mail from relatives in Karleby about the heat they are suffering from. They asked me what they can do to keep cool!!! Wish I could send them some cool weather - I'm in Michigan for a few weeks and it's warm here, but not 99 F.


                            • #15
                              Last monday I was in Högnabba, Terjärv and we experienced a natural phenomena called a downburst. It was really hot and humid all day and late in the afternoon it started to rain. The rain and the wind picked up really fast. We could hardly see anything outside and the sound was really high. We saw trees falling all over the place and the hole thing was over in a few minutes. Luckily no person got hurt. Take a look here and see what damages the downburst caused in Högnabba and Kaustby.

