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  • Travel

    I will be going to Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen in September. As each country has it's own currency and not the euro, any suggestions as far as what I will need as far as money? I will be spending several days in each, with a stay in Stathelle, Norway to visit a Finnish cousin. Hotels, train and ferry are already booked and paid by credit card, so I won't need to worry about that.

  • #2


    It's been a long time since I've been to those cities, but be prepared to spend a lot of money for food. Just for the fun of it, we sampled sausages (hot dogs) and coffee in each city and were shocked at the price - we could have bought a full meal at home for that cost. My dinner at a hotel in Oslo was $45. You won't be going to Finland, but food is expensive there, too. On our last night in Helsinki we thought we'd spend the rest of our money before leaving in the morning. So we stopped in the hotel restaurant, but didn't have enough money for more than a cup of coffee and a pastry.


    • #3
      I found the ATM machines everywhere and it allowed me to have enough cash to get through the day, you get that day exchange rate and no service charges. The airports charge such a high percent to exchange money that I only got enough to pay for a taxi. Be sure to let your bank know you are going so they won't block your card. Have a wonderful trip.


      • #4
        Welcome to Stockholm Are you going to visit Mariefred while you are here? If you are and need a "guide" let me know.


        • #5
          Thank you all for such good advice. Karin, I don't know if we'll get to Mariafred. Two of my greatgreat-aunts are buried there. We will only be in Stockholm a few days. My main objective is to visit the church where my maternal grandfather was baptized and to see the areas where he would have been before emigrating. Unfortunately, the house he was born in no longer stands. I do have a small pen and ink picture of the street and houses that were there when he was born. Mostly large, multi-family "apartment" type buildings, long since torn down. I received it from the Archives in Stockholm when I had a search done years ago.
          June, luckily we will be staying with my cousin in Strathelle and eating there. They will pick us up from the train and take us to the ferry when we leave for Copenhagen. They will also be our sight-seeing guides in Oslo.


          • #6


            Hope you take the same boat from Oslo to Copenhagen that we took. They served a fantastic smörgåsbord and I ate my way across the water. Our hotel was right on the waterfront and the boat docked next to it. There's so much to see in Copenhagen - shops, palaces, etc. We were there 3 days and couldn't take it all in. It's easy to walk around the city.

