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The world's most caffeinated country

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  • The world's most caffeinated country

    Finland leads the world in per-capita cups of coffee at 608.2 liters per capita, followed by Norway at 322.6 liters and Denmark at 180.6 liters. The US, in 16th place, drinks 105.9 liters per capita, but the US drinks more coffee than any other country. There are over 11,000 Starbucks stores in the country. Surprisingly, the United Kingdom, in 8th place, drinks 134.7 liters per capita.

    But the greatest addicts are the Finns, because of the harsh winters and long nights. Robert Paulig, seventh generation Helsinki roaster says "We are not very social and coffee helps us get through the dark periods." Traditionally, cold countries have imported the most coffee, while tropical countries don't drink as much of their own product. Brazil, in 37th place, is trying to surpass the US by including coffee with milk in school meals for kids aged 5 and up.

  • #2
    While these figures correspond to Businessweek report, I think there must be some error. Comparing to Wikipedia (original source given as World Resource Institute) gives an idea that we drink very weak coffee
    Normally one kilogram of coffee powder will give about 16 liters of coffee drink. So 12 kg and 608 liters don't quite fit, and the habits have not changed so much between the two comparisons. I certainly consume more than 1 kg per month, but normally do not drink over one liter per day.

    Nevertheless there's no doubt that we are the leading coffee drinkers



    • #3

      The figures came from Euromonitor International which charted the top 50 coffee countries. My father's cousin Anna drank 27 cups of coffee a day - and it wasn't decaf, either! Believe me, she was a bundle of energy!

