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Back from vacation

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  • Back from vacation

    Got back last night from my trip to Stockholm, Oslo, Stathelle and Copenhagen. Had 8 wonderful days packed with sightseeing and visiting with a cousin. A Finn cousin lives in Stathelle, abt 2 hrs from Oslo. Flew in to Stockholm, toured the city by bus, boat, tunnelbonn, taxi and mostly on foot. The Vasa Museum is astounding. Then took the train to Oslo, actually to Karlstadt, and had to be transferred onto a bus. They were doing track maintenance and we couldn't get through. Toured Oslo, had a wonderful dinner and got to see the Viking Museum. Then to our host's home in Stathelle. Hiked by the fjiords and enjoyed their great hospitality. Left Oslo via the overnight Pearl of Scandinavia, arriving in Copenhagen early the next morning. Like a cruise ship. Toured the city, enjoyed Tivoli and caught sight of the queen going out to her ship. The Little Mermaid was MIA; she's currently in China on exhibit.

  • #2

    Welcome back, Karen. We missed your mail! I've been to most of those places and know what you saw and did. Hard to settle down after all of that.

