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Another new relative!

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  • Another new relative!

    A couple weeks ago I was contacted by someone who turned out to be a new relative. And today the same thing happened. Someone asked if I have a Herstrom name in my files, and I do. They were friends of my parents when I was young. We visited them often and then they died and we lost contact with other family members. Today one of them has tracked me and now we'll catch up. It's exciting because I can tell them they have links to Friis and Sursill.

    This morning I was talking to an employee of my bank and somehow we got into genealogy. Turns out her family is from Sweden, and they'd like to trace their ancestors but don't know how. We set up a date to meet and I'll try to help her get started.

  • #2
    new relative

    When I asked her how she found me, she said she found my website as well as this website:

    So the documenting of every emigrant has paid off here - she found her family name there as well as my name.


    • #3
      Where's the LIKE button?

      June, it's great to hear this kind of news! It's always as exciting to get to know someone who turns out to be related.


      • #4

        A couple of weeks ago, I was able to help a woman with her "Sweden" ancestry.

        They had always assumed that they were Swedes from Sweden.

        Turns out, they were Swedish speaking Finns and now she got a bunch of new ancestors, thanks to Talko and HisKi.
        Best -

        Ilmari Kivinen


        • #5

          Yes, there are people who really believe their ancestors originated in Sweden. I had one project where a woman insisted her grandfather was born in Sweden because he told her so. He spoke Swedish and dressed like a sea captain. Turned out he was a Swede-Finn farmer boy who ran away from home and didn't want anyone to know where he was.

