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Traveling finnish pastors

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  • Traveling finnish pastors

    Does anyone know anything about the pastors who traveled around their synod in the late 1800s - early 1900s - baptizing and marrying people? I know of a pastor based at a Lutheran church in Tawas, MI who traveled around the northern part of Michigan baptizing and marrying people. I don't know why he did that because I'm assuming there were churches in those cities. Was it because they had no permanent pastor assigned - and people had to wait until a traveling pastor came to perform those ceremonies? Did a pastor perform any ceremonies in the homes of parishioners? Someone has asked me if this practice was followed in Wisconsin - and I can't find any information about it.

  • #2
    I do know this practice was followed in northern Minnesota. One of my aunts had told be about this. I don't know the reason for it though.


    • #3
      I know Pastor Hoikka in Crystal Falls travelled to other towns that didn't have a pastor to perform church duties.


      • #4
        traveling pastors


        Yes, I have information about Pastor Hoikka and his travels around northern Mich. I've tried to find out if there was a pastor in Wisc. who also traveled, but so far can't find anything about it. Someone has a 1901 photo of a wedding in W. Superior at a Finnish church. But there doesn't seem to have been a Finnish church in W. Superior in 1901.

