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Oldest living Swede-Finn

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  • Oldest living Swede-Finn

    Today my only surviving first cousin is 105 years old. Last year she was the oldest living Swede-Finn in the US, and I haven't heard of anyone who is older, so I assume she is still the oldest. She lives in CA and still is smart as a whip. Her family is celebrating today and I wish I was there.

  • #2
    Happy Birthday to her!!!

    I wonder if she is related to me?
    Best -

    Ilmari Kivinen


    • #3

      Yes, you are related = 4C3R. Altogether 84 ways. I sent you a report. Here's a picture of her when she was 100. I don't have a recent picture.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Great photo.

        Hopefully someone will be getting a new photo soon. It needs to be in the paper all over Finland!
        Best -

        Ilmari Kivinen


        • #5
          The Finnish American Reporter should do an article too.

          Was there ever on before?
          Best -

          Ilmari Kivinen


          • #6
            Oldest Swede-Finn

            A year ago my cousin Lorena Volz celebrated her 104th birthday as the oldest living Swede-Finn in the US. On October 9 Lorena celebrated her 105th birthday in CA and I believe she still is the oldest Swedish-Finlander in the US. Her son said her faculties are excellent, she reads and watches TV, works two crossword puzzles every day, and crochets nylon scrubbers - something she has been doing for many years. Here's her picture, she still has a twinkle in her eye, her hair isn't white, and she has no wrinkles.

            Her father was Arthur Spring (Adolf Källström), whose father was cantor at Karleby church in Finland in 1861.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Lorena is my second cousin 3 times removed


              • #8
                As June noted above, Lorena and I are Fourth cousins 3 times removed, common ancestor: Mickel Johansson JOLKKA & Cherstin Henriksdotter HÄSTBACKA.

                I wonder if we've sat down to look at things Hasse...
                Best -

                Ilmari Kivinen


                • #9
                  Lorena Volz

                  Hasse, I'm writing to Lorena today and I'll tell her she has two more cousins - you and Ilmari.

                  Ilmari, I calculated that you and Hasse are 7th cousins once removed through Anders Hansson Skuthälla, plus many more links.

                  I talked to her yesterday and she was laughing and recalling some old incidents; excited about her birthday party and all the gifts she received. I told her I posted something about her on the Internet and now thousands of people were reading about her - she was amused.


                  • #10
                    Lorena Volz

                    Will wonders never cease. After posting about Lorena's birthday, I was contacted by a retired pastor in Lohtaja who said his wife and Lorena are first cousins. Lorena's father's father Karl Mattsson married 4 times and Lorena's father was born in the 4th marriage. This woman Maj-Britt said her gfather was born in Karl Mattsson's first marriage! They wanted to send birthday greetings to Lorena - I sent them her address and they can make direct contact. This is the first time we've known of a Källström relative in Finland.


                    • #11
                      I seem to remember a Källström company that I think was either a shoe company or some sort of other factory. I wonder if it is the same family.
                      Best -

                      Ilmari Kivinen


                      • #12

                        This was a musical family and there is a Källström society in Finland. This family had 4 singing sons who were cantors in churches in Finland. Lorena's grandfather was the 3rd of the sons and he was cantor at Karleby church. She said her father didn't inherit the musical ability. I can't remember ever hearing Uncle Art sing. I do remember he used snus and wore elastic on his shirt sleeves to shorten them (seemed to be customary in olden days). He also put sugar cubes in his mouth and drank his coffee from the saucer - another old tradition.

                        Attached is an article about the family.
                        Attached Files

