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Last weekend's visitors

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  • Last weekend's visitors

    Hi all

    I took a snapshot of a map showing the location of Finlander & SFHS visitors - during past Saturday and Sunday (Finnish time). Quite interesting distribution!

    Attached Files

  • #2

    Fascinating, Hasse! Thanks for sharing! Karen


    • #3
      So that's what the rotating globe in lower left corner is.
      The red dots seem to be cumulative and the "waves" the active connections.
      Now: Mountain View, CA and Lansing, MI and Karlskoga, SE and Vanda, FI.



      • #4
        The globe

        Yes the globe is part of a log I activated on Saturday, to get a visual view of what is happening. Only locations are showed, thus if several are active from - for example - Vanda/Vantaa - only one dot shows. Additionally, the locations is the locations defined for the IP number or often the whole IP series thus accuracy is not too good.



        • #5

          Amazing to see some of the remote places with a red dot - yet almost the entire midwest of the US is empty! If I knew anyone living in those states, I'd be in contact, but I can't think of anyone.


          • #6
            Visitor statistics after a week of active log...

            A picture showing the current situation. A little more from the US Midwest...


            • #7
              I want to go visit whoever seems to be in the Canary Islands, or the one that appears to be somewhere close to Réunion.
              Best -

              Ilmari Kivinen


              • #8
                Ilmari, that seems to be Mauritius. You can click the rotating globe and see the legend on those spots. What about Sisimiut, Greenland?



                • #9
                  Exotic places on the map...

                  All those very exotic places on the map are, with all probability, spammers who use open proxies in exotic countries.

                  What is interesting is that there is far less of these "probable spammer dots" than the actual spammer contact I can see from the logs and from registrations that are caught by the admin activation functionality. Every night there are up to tens of registrations where somebody is trying to flood our discussion forum with his/her valuable information about drugs, adult entertainment (crazy definition, btw) etc. Relatively seldom they succeed imho.

                  Wouldn't be sure you'd find anybody with the same Finnish genes at those places....

                  Here is the last catch - three out of six were spammers.

                  The scumbag using tried to get his links/comments into Google using Finlander forum - tree times last night. The IP he is using is from Chemnitz, Germany. He or his "bot" has been very active these days as you can see on Google.

                  Interesting to see that they all have access to -email accounts. Thus AOL must be considered very friendly towards spammers.


                  • #10
                    Canary Islands

                    Originally posted by kivinen1 View Post
                    I want to go visit whoever seems to be in the Canary Islands, or the one that appears to be somewhere close to Réunion.
                    The Canary Island point is Mogan. Puerto de Mogan is a very nice place - visited it last year.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Hasse View Post
                      All those very exotic places on the map are, with all probability, spammers who use open proxies in exotic countries.
                      And I thought they are tourists that cannot be without Finlander Forum even on their holidays



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jaska Sarell View Post
                        And I thought they are tourists that cannot be without Finlander Forum even on their holidays

                        Well, might of course be tourists also, but I'm a little pessimistic...

                        Nevertheless, we have a good coverage of the USA, the Nordic countries and a big part of Europe. Even some activity from Australia and Canada. All the rest is bonus.

                        The Puerto de Mogán/Canary Island dot is clearly a Finn enjoying his/her vacation in a really nice place. I recommend! Wish I would be there instead of here in the biting cold Finnish Winter.



                        • #13

                          My cousin Fredrik spends part of his winter in the Canary Islands, but at present he is in the Faroe Islands. He likes to travel to various places - recently went to Siberia!

