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  • Lutefisk

    Here we are in the Christmas season and no one has mentioned Lutefisk! Remember this, sung to the tune of "Oh, Christmas Tree."

    O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk

    O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk,
    how fragrant your aroma;
    O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk,
    you put me in a coma.
    You smell so strong,
    you look like glue;
    You taste yust ike an overshoe.
    But Lutefisk, come Saturday
    I tink I'll eat you anyway.

    A dog came by and sprinkled you--
    I hit him vid an army shoe.
    O Lutefisk - now I suppose,
    I'll eat you as I hold my nose.

    O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk,
    how vell I do remember:
    On Christmas Eve, how ve'd receive
    our big treat of December.
    It vasn't turkey or fried ham -
    It vasn't even spickled spam.
    My mudder knew dere vas no risk
    in serving buttered Lutefisk.

    O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk,
    - now everyone discovers
    Dat Lutefisk and lefse makes
    Norvegians better lovers.
    Now all da vorld can have a ball -
    You're better dan dat Yeritol.
    O Lutefisk - vid brennevin
    you make me feel like young again.

    (Obviously this was written by a Norvegian - Finlanders don't serve Lutefisk with butter or lefse.)

  • #2

    I agree with much of the description of "Lutefisk". It has never been my favourite Christmas food, but I try to eat a little bit every year.

    In my childhood days Mum bought dry "Lutefisk" and put it in water and "soda" to prepare it for Christmas.


    • #3

      When I was growing up the only way Lutefisk was sold was as a hard dried fish that had to be soaked in water for about a week before it was cooked. Now it can be purchased frozen, ready to cook. Sadly, it isn't sold in my town - not enough Scandinavians here, I guess. I remember reading that fish markets in Duluth literally sell tons of it at Christmas-time. My father and brother ate many servings of it, so we had to cook a lot of it, along with lots of potatoes and white sauce.

