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It's cold up here!

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  • It's cold up here!

    Here I am in cold, snowy Michigan. Almost didn't make it. Took so long checking in and going through Security that my plane was loaded and ready to leave when I finally reached the gate. I pleaded with them to let me on, and they finally opened the door. The minute I sat down the plane took off. I am so grateful they let me on. Otherwise I would have had to go home and wait for an empty seat on another flight on another day. Hereafter I'll make sure I get to the airport much earlier than necessary - it's 40 miles from my house to the airport..

  • #2
    What part of Michigan are you? The UP? I'm just wondering why you would leave Florida to join us up here? :-) Have a nice Christmas!!


    • #3


      I'm in Fenton which isn't as cold as where you are, but it's too cold for me. I wouldn't normally come during the winter, but I want to spend Christmas with my family and friends. Merry Christmas to you..


      • #4
        A Merry Christmas June and all the rest of the Finlander gang. We have -23 degrees Celsius (-9.4 Fahrenheit) here in southern Finland. And a foot and a half of snow. Cold and snow is nice at Christmas time, but enough is enough. If we didn't have a dog (dachsel) we wouldn't go outdoors at all, except for shopping and fetching firewood from the shed.



        • #5
          It's "SNO" fun without SNOW!

          Welcome back to Michigan, June! Won't you admit, though, in some teeny-tiny spot in your warm, Swedish-Finn loving heart, that our frosty, wintry, snowy Michigan weather seems more like a beautiful picture-perfect Scandinavian Christmas than an all-green grass Florida?

          God Jul!
          Hauskaa Joulua!
          And, Merry, Merry Christmas!
          Karen (in Lansing)


          • #6


            I'll admit it was pretty yesterday when we were in the family room with a fire going, and the sun came out and the snow was brilliant white - it was pretty, as long as I was inside and toasty warm.

            I had lunch with a friend who brought along one of her friends who was a recipient of some of my jokes that she received second-hand - and she wanted to meet me. We had an interesting time talking about Wash., D.C. She also worked for the government at the same time I did, and we rehashed old memories. What fun!


            • #7

              I must confess. I feel the same as you. The older I get, the colder I get! So much for my Swedish-Finn heritage, eh?

              TV is reporting that we're suppose to get another dusting of snow during the next couple of days. Our family will be coming to visit. And we'll probably venture outside for a church candlelight service. But after everyone leaves? I have an ol' afghan. And the fixings for hot chocolate. I just hope Santa leaves me another book under the tree again this Christmas...



              • #8

                Christmas Eve will be pure pandemonium here. There will be 12 wanting to open gifts, so we're not having the usual Christmas Eve dinner this year. It will be a buffet instead and then the young folks take over. We'll have a big dinner on Christmas day, and then we can collapse. I have two more luncheons coming next week and hope I'll still feel like eating! We usually go north to their vacation home after Christmas, but guess we won't make it this year.

