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First visit

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  • First visit

    Several weeks ago a cousin in CA wrote to me, saying she and her son wanted to go to Finland and see where her grandmother Edla was born. I told her the house was still standing, and still belonged to the family. I arranged with a relative in Finland to meet Anita and her son and show them around. Attached is a picture of the house as it was in 1983 and still looks the same today; I think it was built in the early 1800s. Jan-Erik just sent me this e-mail:

    Yesterday we spent the whole day in pleasant and interesting company with Anita Westlund Kattelmann and her son Alex Carrol. I picked them up at the hotel at 11 a.m.and after some refreshments in our home we started our trip to Skriko, where we met Ossian and his wife and Anita was excited to see the house where her greatgrandfather Abraham was born and Ossian told us about the history of the house. Then we went on to Pelo where we talked to Håkan Nyman (who probably is the person who knows most about what Pelo looked like a century ago). He had a good bunch of all kinds of photos which he gave to Anita and he also showed us the exact location of the place “Antas” (Anders Mattsson´s) house had stood. And we went into the (newly renovated) house where Anita´s grandmother Edla was born (and into the very bedroom where the actual birth took place). After lunch at Seljes Camping we went to see Tom Hansén and his family and had an interesting chat about our common ancestors. Then at last we went to see Gustav Plogman’s miniature of the Pelo village. They had both seen photos of it before but they were really amazed at the unbelievably detailed precision of his work (and with only one hand, because of the stroke he suffered 22 years ago.) We finished the day chatting away for a few hours at our house and they returned to their hotel at abt. 11 p.m. So they had a whole day of information and impressions and relatives. They seemed to be pleased with their day.
    June Pelo
    Senior Contributor
    Last edited by June Pelo; 11-07-11, 01:35. Reason: picture in wrong place.