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Saddam Hussein genealogy revised

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  • Saddam Hussein genealogy revised

    The Iraqi Genealogy Authority has deleted the name of Saddam Hussein from the list of noble offspring whose lineage stretches back to the Prophet Muhammed. It seems that Saddam had forced a number of genealogists to create a family tree for him to claim that he had a noble pedigree. The descent from Muhammed was published, even though proof seemed to be lacking. With Saddam now safely removed as a threat, the genealogists are now rejecting the genealogies published when the dictator was in power.
    Largest Genealogy Listed in Ancient Archive:

    The genealogy of a Mongol family related to the descendants of the great Mongol Emperor Ghengis Khan has been included in China's list of ancient archives. The 24-foot-long (8 meter) document of Tulin Guhen's family lists 14 generations with over 1,900 Mongols, most of whom served as high-ranking officials, from 1635 to early 1900, said Zhao Yumpeng, deputy head of the Liaoning Provincial Archives. The genealogy, reportedly the largest ever found is kept at the archives in Harqin Left Wing Mongolian Autonomous County, west of Liaoning Province, northeast China. This is impressive when you realize that only a few years ago the study of genealogy was repressed in Mongolia and in China as an unwarranted capitalist influence. To even read about such a genealogy being publicized by the communist authorities is an amazing change. You can read more about this in Shanghai Daily's website:

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