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Research Directory

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  • Research Directory

    Hello fellow members,
    I don't if any of you feel the way I do, but, I sure do miss looking at the Research Directory that used to be on the Genealogical Society of Finland site...I know that someone who works there had answered my inquiry stating that it may take a long time to get it back up and running again, if ever. What was so nice about it is that it had a list of all the researchers, and, which family they had done research on. Also, there would be new family names added periodically, so, that a person could look to see if the family pertained to your own ancestors.Has anyone heard anything? I sure hope it will be back some day. Thank you for your time.

  • #2
    Hello! It's me again. I had also inquired about the Research Directory a long time ago, and, I did receive a response informing me of a site that has a similar listing of researchers, etc. But, I have forgot where it was! I'd appreciate any help or suggestions, thank you!


    • #3

      I agree... I used that Research Directory nearly every day and received lots of info. and help from it. I aso used their Search function when I wanted to refresh my memory about something I had read previously. The death of Leif Mether has created more problems than anyone could have imagined, meaning that he wouldn't have let things reach this state of affairs if he had anything to say about it.


      • #4

        Wonder if they are referring to this list: It's not new... appeared on the old Finngen site. This is the link to the old site, but you can see that some of it is no longer accessible:

