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website The empire that was russia

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  • website The empire that was russia

    This is a very nice site, check it out! Lots of wonderful pictures


  • #2
    super! thanks for the posting!

    Wonderful Gita!

    Great to read about what this guy did a 100 years ago.
    I think maybe I shall take my old black and white images and try to make a color out of them. Hmm, well, maybe have grandson mess around with it



    • #3
      Hi Chuck!

      Do that! Then post them here at forum for us all to enjoy!
      (I´m not sure I understand exactly how this was done, but I guess I´d understand better if it was presented in my own langage)


      • #4
        The Empire photographer

        Fantastic pictures!

        ..Well, I don't believe that anyone could make full color
        pictures out of black and white photographs,
        unless you start to paint them with color...
        (if someone had invented a method to do it,
        I think we all should know it by now).
        Excuse me if I spoil all you enthusiasm, maybe I'm too doubtful.
        (Maybe someone is inventing it right now)

        There is on that site an archive of photos too, type a searchword
        and you will find more pictures in black and white of the same photographer and you can also load high resoution pictures of the three black and white 'negatives'(red,green,blue). Then, if you have a good picture editing program with layers(Photoshop or Paintshop), you can make color pictures of them.

        The search:
        (type for example the word 'finland' and look at the pictures!)

        Tells someone who tried...
        D. Frilund


        • #5
          Since you are a photographer I´m sure you know what you´re talking about. But I don´t think I´ve ever seen painted pictures that look so realistic in colour.
          So, could you explain to me how to digitally turn my own black and white pictures into realistically coloured like those?



          • #6
            B&W to color

            I went back to the website to verify what I thought after reading it the first time.

            It isn't so simple as to turn OUR existing black and white negatives to color photos. Looking back at the website, it says the man originally took 3 successive photos but using a red filter, a blue filter and then a green filter, resulting in 3 different negatives.

            Then it continues that using those 3 filtered black and white photo negatives and today's software, it is possible to color the original black and white into colored photos. The website goes into details about how the original man did it with overhead projectors or something of that sorts.

            I thought it would be fun to do as well, but upon further investigation it doesn't seem to be so simple. I'm sure it is still possible to do but would require some level of expertise with the photo software to colorize a black and white photo.
            Kevin Paavola
            Orlando Florida


            • #7
              It isn't so simple as to turn OUR existing black and white negatives to color photos. Looking back at the website, it says the man originally took 3 successive photos but using a red filter, a blue filter and then a green filter, resulting in 3 different negatives
              That´s what I thought. But it seems like Frilund doubt the method described - "if someone had invented a method to do it,
              I think we all should know it by now", so I wonder how he think it was done - it surtainly doesn´t seem to me as if they have handcolored the pictures. Or have I misunderstood Frilund?


              • #8
                Always a killjoy in the group

                Well Kevin,

                All of us were planning on giving this a try and likely would have been triumphant because we didn't know it could not be done but you have put the kaibosh on it
                There go my experiments in timetravel



                • #9
                  Oh dear!

                  I think it's still possible to do. Buy B&W film, select a subject, take 3 photos one with a blue filter, one with a red filter and one with a green filter. Then manipulate the image in your photo editing software. That's all there's too it!

                  This may be a worthwhile project during the summer months when the Finns go on vacation and "the lists" die down from activity.
                  Kevin Paavola
                  Orlando Florida


                  • #10
                    The link.

                    Thanks for the wonderful link!
                    And ideas, of course.

                    Attached is the picture of the first car in our family. (Circa 1913)

                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Cool car !

                      Hi Coop,
                      Great auto - do you know the make?



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kpaavola
                        Oh dear!

                        I think it's still possible to do. Buy B&W film, select a subject, take 3 photos one with a blue filter, one with a red filter and one with a green filter.
                        I remember reading (could have been in a book about color photography by John Hedgcoe) that this was done with glass plates in the first years in the 20th century.



                        • #13
                          From black and white to color.

                          Åh, so little it takes to be misunderstood.

                          Thank you KPaavola for describing it, I shoud have done it
                          straight away too, and Gita for the questioning my skrivelse.

                          I didnt doubt the method described on the website.
                          The result is real color pictures because of the red green blue filtering method, which
                          provides the color information to the picture.
                          I was only trying to tell that if you try to do real color pictures
                          out of your black and white photos, the only method is to
                          paint them. There is examples on how old black and white Hollywood films have been changed to color films using a software.
                          But still it is like 'hand-coloring' the photo, only with the differece that a software is doing the hard job.
                          If you look at:
                          On that site is also explained how difficult it is to make a BW foto
                          to a real-like color photo.

                          Hope that this can clarify my view. Still, for me and for all of us,
                          it would be exiting if someone invents a new method to find the
                          'secret hidden' color infomation in a single
                          black and white image and to be able to make a real color picture
                          out of it. About this theme I think this disussion is about.
                          So we can all start doing experiments!
                          D. Frilund


                          • #14
                            So we can all start doing experiments!


                            • #15
                              Re: Cool car !

                              Originally posted by granskare
                              Hi Coop,
                              Great auto - do you know the make?

                              Unfortunately, I do not remember the make.
                              My Dad does not remember-I asked him. And I found the picture in his archives.


