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Mail order lessons

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  • Mail order lessons

    Hmm, I think I am testing Hasse's patience about off topic chit-chat with this one.
    A few years back I was a vol at special collections in the Augie library. One day a big box of "stuff" came to us from the treasurer's office and I got the fun job of sorting it out.
    Amongst the really interesting stuff was this little letter which is self-explanatory. Rev. Jesperson was secretary/treasurer at that time. Something like that.

    I can also remember seeing a bill with a revenue stamp upon it indicating it was from the first years of Augie when it were organized by Swedish & Norwegian emigrants. Augie was at Paxton IL during that time. The bill was from a local carpenter and it read something like this: Bill for repairing the door of the Norwegian professor's house and in that same vein, Judy, former archivist, showed me a thick album of fotos of students of an early year. At the end were some 20 students with each labeled "Norsk", "Norsk" and of course Judy made it a lot of fun when she pronounced that. Is it no wonder that the Norwegians went away to South Dakota to form their own Augustana?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Thanks for a laugh

    May not be genealogy related but it's funny nonetheless!

    Let's hope he lerned how to spel gooder
    Kevin Paavola
    Orlando Florida


    • #3
      I often wonder if he did learn that first lesson?

      If he did learn that lesson, he had to be a Swede-Finn but if he didn't, just a plain old Swede.

      This seems to be a good place to share a Toivo and Eino story my son heard while he lived in Chassell in the U.P.

      Toivo and Eino were building a sauna. Eino was on one side and Toivo was working on the other side.
      Toivo came around to Eino's side to check up on him.
      Eino picked up a nail, looked at it, and then nailed it into the sauna. Then he picked up another nail, looked at it, and threw it away. Then Eino picked up another nail, looked at it, threw it away.

      TOIVO: "Eino, why did you trow dos nails avay?"
      EINO: "Dos nails were going the other way."
      TOIVO: "You fool! dos nails are for the other side of the sauna."

      Last edited by granskare; 21-02-04, 10:39.


      • #4
        I got a laugh out of this one:

        Dialogue at a ticket window at a Minnesota railroad station:

        Immigrant: "Too to Doloot" (Duluth)

        Ticket officer: "Toodledoo to you, too!"

        Har har har,



        • #5
          local maki's contest at chassell

          I got a good laugh out of that Gunnar.

          I am reminded of an annual thing done in Chassell, during strawberry festival I believe.

          The "local maki's contest" was held. People would dress up as the oldtimer Finnish men. Those old guys wore clothing that did not match. I don't know if Chassell does it anymore but sounded like a fun time:



          • #6
            Originally posted by Gunnar Damström
            "Toodledoo to you, too!"

            Har har har....
            There were jokes in the 1970ies about our foreign minister Ahti Karjalainen, who was known for his lousy pronounciation when he spoke english. Here is one:

            He had a vistor in his room when he stayed at a hotel in London. He called room service and ordered:

            "too tee to tity-too" (two teas to thirty-two).

            These jokes where called "Tankeros". The name coming from the following story.

            Mr. Karjalainen visited Kenya and went on a tour at a wild life resort. He saw a lion and said: "oh that's a nice tankero."

            Then he saw an giraffe and said: "now that tankero has a long neck!".

            He saw a herd och elephants and said: "Wow, how big that tankero is".

            Walking out of the resort ha saw a trail of ants and said: "there are som cute little tankeros."

            Then his host couldn't be quiet any more.

            "What do you mean? Tankero? There was a lion, a giraffe, a herd of elephants and a trail of ants!"

            Mr. Karjalainen answered:

            "Well there was a sign when we entered the resort and it read ’Beware, all animals are tankeros’." [dangerous]



            • #7
              Hehe Sune that was too much.

              It reminds me of when we drove up to the UP to Wakefield MI for the ordination of a friend as a lutheran pastor. When we got to his father's home, there was a sign on the front door which consisted of a letter K inside a circle.
              I didn't understand it but somehow I made contact and asked my friend about that sign. He told me it meant to
              "ko round" i.e, go to the backdoor so an example of Finnglish - no voiceless consonants in play.
              Hmm, I am a member of our local postcard club and called the person who was writing up the bulletin. I told her I would talk about kantele's at the next meeting. I had some nice modern postcards I got from Suomi College showing those instruments. But when the bulletin came out, I was listed as talking about "gondolas" so I guess now we can also know why census takers wrote what they did


              • #8

                Thanks for the giggles folks. Really enjoyed them all. Don`t stop now though!


