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Multitasking with an apron

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  • Multitasking with an apron

    In a century, will anyone really know what an apron was for?

    Not its chief use, shielding a dress from stains. I remember the one Grandma wore. It was something more:

    It was a handy pot holder when hot things needed to be moved from the stove.

    It was a hand warmer when it was cold.

    It was good for wiping sweat from a brow accustomed to a life of hard work.

    It was a basket for garden vegetables when harvesting began.

    It was an instant bag for carrying eggs from the chicken coop into the house.

    When unexpected company came to the front door (because everyone else used the back one), it was a duster that cleaned up faster than humanly possible.

    It was a good hiding place for when company came and you felt shy.

    In a pinch it was a washcloth to clean muddy faces and dirty ears.

    It was a hanky for drying up your tiny tears.

    No microwave or K-Cup or piece of technology can ever replace the feelings of home, comfort and love that the memory of that apron brings. I remember it when I put on my own apron. And when I cook for my little girl. Grandma is long gone, but her memory is near when I gaze at my daughter. They look alike, somehow. And now, I have given her a tiny apron of her very own.

  • #2
    I remember my grandmothers both always had an apron on. Came off for church, went back on as soon as they got home. Full bib aprons that covered top and bottom of their dress. I even had a few bottom aprons given to me after I married.


    • #3
      My mother also wore aprons.. and they were sewn and embroidered by her. She also made a smaller version of her apron for me. I haven't seen any of my friends or relatives wearing aprons in recent years..


      • #4
        Grandma's aprons

        Funny you should bring up the aprons. I have been copying pictures and sending them out with the family genealogy newsletters. My comment on a couple of pictures,"The house (or garden) in the background is Grandma's because she has her apron on." I don't wear aprons and neither did my mother but my Grandma and Great-Grandma always had an apron on at home.


        • #5
          I tried to think back and remember the last time I saw full length aprons being worn.. and I would guess it was in the 1950's and 60's ... and then women began to wear the half-apron that tied around the waist.. I had a few that were called cocktail aprons.. they were more decorative than useful. But as a child I remember when farmers drove down our street selling their produce, the women ran out to buy potatoes, apples, corn, etc. and if they didn't bring a basket for the items, they wrapped them in their aprons and carried them back to their homes. We were city folks..

