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Look what I found...

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  • Look what I found...

    ... a link to Mojakka!

    Did anyone else have to eat this stuff growing up? Actually my mother would make kalamojakka, i.e., salmon stew. I remember as a kid how yucky I thought it was. But then as a kid, there was nothing that wouldn't taste better with some ketchup! I used to think the whole black peppers she used were pieces of dirt!

    Now, as an adult, I probably could eat a bowl and enjoy it.
    Kevin Paavola
    Orlando Florida

  • #2
    More than just mojakka Kev!

    I really enjoyed thinking about that food. There was a Finnish cafeteria in Thunder Bay which my wife and I ate at and it had the same Finnish meatballs recipe as found in the Ojakangas book. mmmm

    But that's not all - great stories and I especially liked the one about the guy in Alaska! What great fun and adventures he had up there.
    Thanks Kev for a great link


    • #3
      a link to Mojakka


      I never had a name for it but after checking out the website, this is what I used to try and sneak away with and dump down the toilet!

      Now I'm looking forward to trying all the recipes that have been submitted! What a great idea for a website. Thanks for sharing.



      • #4
        Shocking revelation!

        This is absolutely a shocking experience. I remember a kalamojakka at my cousin Alan Maki's place in Iron Mountain, MI.
        Fish floating in it head upwards I think they could have been brook trout.

        That would have set you screaming I think


