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  • names

    I'm wondering if these are the same names/ different language.

    Henry = Heikki

    John = Juhana

    Ranta = Ratto (the a and the o have two dots over them)

  • #2
    Yes, Henry is same as Finnish Heikki or Swedish Henrik.
    John = Juha, Juho, Juhani, Juhana, Johannes, Jussi in Finnish = Johan, Johannes, John in Swedish
    Räntä or Rättö don't resemble any Finnish names.



    • #3
      thank you for your quick reply. This is a big help. I've been struggling to find my grandfather. All I know is when and where he married my grandmother, when he died and what his parents names were from his death certificate. I found a christening in the parish book from the Abolished parishes of the ceded region that could possibly be them but the names were the ones I was asking about. (I literally went through every parish in Finland listed in Hiski to see if anything looked familiar.) I will now try a new search using these possible names. Thank you again.


      • #4
        There is a surname spelled like that found in the name of a member of a present day rock band, (Mike Rättö) I found it by Google. You will find many entries on Hiski by using it as a surname.


        • #5
          Thank you, too, Karen. My grandfather has been such a mystery because he died shortly after my mom was born. I'm excited to any possible direction and this one will be fun to try. I keep forgetting Google is a great place to try. thank you again!!

