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  • Frilund

    A new member of SFHS who doesn't use Internet is looking for an uncle.
    Alfred Frilund, born in Ironbelt, Wisconsin on May 24, 1892, returned to Finland. Married Hilma Johanna Eriksdotter. The had one child Johannes Engvald, born June 13, 1915. Alfred left Finland about 1916-1917 and was never heard from again. Anyone have any further info?

    Support SFHS - Building a bridge back to Finland!

  • #2
    Hi Syrene,
    Just out of curiousity, I checked the 1900 census for Iron Belt. I believe Iron Belt was in an area called Knight Town(ship). My father was born in Iron Belt in 1919 and I remember it was located in Knight Township in the census.

    Anyway, I'm not sure this is the family as the writing is rather smudged. Maybe it's just easier to attach the image so you can see yourself. The child is John A age 8. I thought if this is him, maybe he used both names. Just a thought! No other Frilunds in the 28 pages of that area.
    Attached Files
    Kevin Paavola
    Orlando Florida


    • #3
      World War One

      John A. Freeland is 24 years old and world war one has been going on since 1914 so perhaps he thought he ought to do his bit?

      He is an American citizen so must register for the draft.

      "First registration – men born June 6, 1886 – June 5, 1896
      Held June 5, 1917; registered all men between 21 and 31 years of age."
      But, because he was not living within the USA at the time, was he required to register, and if so, where?

      Copied from here:

      Is there anything known about his political views? What was his work in Finland? He's got a child age 1-2 years old so what is happening here?

      The Finns themselves are not in this fight, not until late 1917 and the civil war so I don't think that fits here.

      Perhaps he's heard of American volunteers in France driving ambulances, etc and feels he's had to get into the fight. It would be nice of a list of such volunteers were available.
      I think we could use a lot more information if such exists.

      Last edited by granskare; 21-02-04, 05:47.


      • #4

        Thanks, Kevin and Chuck.
        I printed off the answers so far, and will mail them to George. The census sure looks promising. And Chuck your information places Johan in the context of the period. You are so right that such a list would be very helpful!
        Support SFHS - Building a bridge back to Finland!


        • #5
          World War One American Dead

          This lists all American dead for world war one who are buried in foreign cemeteries
          I have done a search by state and found this man, John O. Frydelund , so our John A. Freeland/Frilund did not join the American army while he was in europe. I searched via the state of Minnesota and also District of Columbia if overseas enlistments were handled from the national capital. He was not found so we can safely assume he did not die in the war as a member of the American forces.


