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Malakias Laukka

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  • #16
    Malakias Laukka

    Hi Midge, that's great news! When I get home later tonight I'll email Libby (the person seeking Malakias) and let her know you might have found something.

    When you're ready, let me know and I'll either give you my mailing address or ask Libby for hers.

    Thanks again for your kindness!
    Kevin Paavola
    Orlando Florida


    • #17
      Malakias Laukka

      Hi....I got the obit printouts today, since I got to Marquette sooner than I thought I would. If I can have Libby's address, I will put this stuff in the mail tomorrow, and she can always ask me more questions after she gets all her data sorted out. There are descendants still living around here... I could call them if she wants me to.
      Midge Waters


      • #18

        Thanks, Midge. I'll email her tonight and go from there!
        Kevin Paavola
        Orlando Florida


        • #19

          Hi Midge,
          I emailed you through the Forum but not sure how it works so here's Libby's response from my email:

          "This is awesome!
          Please forward her my e-mail.
          BTW - I know some of the grandchildren may live in the Marquette/Negaunee area, but so far, I've struck out on anyone knowing anything much about Malakias and "Kreeta's" origins, so that's probably a dead end. I do have photos of the gravestones. (Thanks, anyway, but I wouldn't want someone to go to that trouble when I have them.)

          As for the pastor who held some of the funerals - one of their grandsons, Tom Wickstrom, is a Lutheran minister (retired, in Florida now). If he's the minister listed for the funerals, I've talked to him. He's the one who told me about the Laestidians, but didn't have any specific details about Malakias and Margareeta's parents or origins.

          (This is wonderful! How can I ever thank you? I'm in N. Alabama and have roots in S. GA/N. FL if I can EVER help anyone up there look for someone who might have wandered this far south.)

          Libby "

          Her email is:
          Kevin Paavola
          Orlando Florida


          • #20
            Thanks to you wonderful people, I received my copies in the mail of the Immanuel Church Book and obituaries from the historical society that show Malakias was born 10 March 1869 in Karstula and Margareeta 14 Dec. 1876, in Kestila, Oulun Laani, Finland. Her obituary also noted she was survived by "several nieces in Finland and this country" telling me that others from her family migrated too. Both sources are invaluable. Thank you all again for your interest and help. You are truly amazing.


            • #21
              Malakias Laukka

              Hi, Libby, etc.....I am glad you found so much new information, but I'm like a dog with a bone, and wanted to tell you that if you do not feel like calling the local Laukka family yourself, I could do that for you. Then you would know if they were family or not. Or I could send you their snail mail address, and you could write when you are ready.

              But tell me quick, since I am driving with my husband to California soon, and will be gone a few weeks. I'm tickled pink about this trip, too, since I will get to visit face to face (instead of on e-mail) with four cousins (2nd, 3rd, and 5th) recently discovered! One from my Swedish side, two from Swede-Finn background, and another of my husband's, who is Cornish. Midge.
              Midge Waters


              • #22
                Midge - Thanks so much for your kind offer on contacting local folks, but of the 11 children, there were only four sons. Of the four sons, only one had sons himself to carry on the Laukka name I am in contact with them. Have a great trip!


                • #23
                  Midge's find

                  This is so cool! Thanks, Midge, for digging up this info for Libby! It was very kind of you to offer to help.

                  Libby, I just checked HisKi and the birth records end at 1860 so Malakias won't be found there but I did find this which could be his parents. You'd need to order the Karstula films from the LDS to check it out.

                  "Born Christened Village Father Mother Child
                  16.1.1858 7.2.1858 Kimingi bd: Henrik Laukka Maja Andersdr 43. Anton"

                  For Kestila, I don't see a separate parish listed on HisKi but found the village located in Temmes. I think I saw that before. Still looks like a good place to start. Not that this has anything to do with Margareta, but rather just so you can see:

                  "Born Christened Village Farm Father Mother Child

                  27.4.1847 29.4.1847 Kestilä Tp. Isaac Paakkonen Magdalena 35-40 Catharina "

                  Oddly enough, I'm the 3rd great grandson of this Isaac Paakkonen.

                  Good luck on your search and let me know if you need help ordering the films, etc....
                  Kevin Paavola
                  Orlando Florida

